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No mątter how well your video cassette necoitłer has been * performing, itsneverlivedup ' loits fuli potential. Because mlii recently, you couldn’t : buy 1 ligh Grade video tape for Iieta systems.
Witli Maxell High Grade Beta ta|>e, you’ll finally see wkat your machinę / cań do. You’11 ge: better color lesolution, sharpei images and clearer sound.
lo create High Grade,
Maxell uses fi ner, sharper Epitaxi4L
/f *C
partickrs and a unicpie binding proces*. Theresulting tape not only ptoducesa berter Dictum than oidi-nary viaeo tape, it s a lot mae d urąbie. Thisdrastic-ally neduces video iccorder nead wear and lets you enjoy a better pictune longer.
So if v«xi own a Beta necorder, try Maxell High Grade. Yo.i'11 discover that the machinę yo.i own fseven better than tlieone you l».ight.