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At first it was seen as a technological curiosity. Now it’s a practical reality, thanks to Philips.
Solid State imaging is a fine example of how Philips deveiopment of IC technology is changing the face of consumer electronics, medical technology, telecommunications and aerospace.
These amazing Philips Integrated Circuits allow the design of video cameras that are ultra lightweight with minutę dimensions, Iow power needs, greater durability and longer life.
Already, Philips solid State imaging is achieving broadcast quality and in some applications replacing camera tubes altogether. A revolution.
The other things it will make possible were once
Sydney (02) 439 3322 Melbourne (03) 542 3333 Adelaide
the stuff of vivid imaginations - robot eyes, videophones and advanced character recognition devices.
As electronics approaches the precision and complexity of the human body. Philips ICs and microproc8ssor innovations are leading the conquest of new technological frontiers.
While you may not be in the market today for solid State imaging, the Philips quest for new technology Solutions is applied to everything we do.
Some even morę remarkable advances are on our drawing boards around the world.
Think of the things Philips leadership will make possible... we are.
(08) 243 0155 Perth (09) 277 4199 Brisbane (07) 844 0191
Electronic Components and Materials