KR400 ... DR7500...
£47.16 £54.73 £109.25 £49.46 £98.13 £108 10
UR43.... 24p metre
UR67 ........ 80p
300 ohm Ribbon
lip metre
75 ohm Iow k>ss 20 p
Hy Gain
12 AVQ 3 band Vertical.................. £43.12
14AVT/WB 4 band Vemcal............... £60.37
18AVT7WB 5 band £87.40
ASP and Diawa 144 MHz anfd 70 cms Antennas m Stock
SRX 30
Solid State Receiver 550 kHz 30 MHz
£178 00
Mobile Antenna Rangę
5'8th Whip PI 259 fitting............. £6.00
Magnetic Mount PI.259 fitting............ £8 50
7/8th Whip........................... £11.00
Basemount and lead.................... £3.00
Guttermounts........................ £3.50
Bantex Magnetic mounts.............. £12.59
BantexS. SWhip 5/8th................ £9 50
BantexG. fibrę 5'8th whip .............. £9.10
2 way Antenna Switch 50 ohm 200
wart ............................... £6.60
3 way Antenna switch SWL push
buttontype.......................... £4.60
3 way Antenna Switch 2 kW PEP
0 500MHz.......................... £10.60
4 way Antenna Switch 50 ohm 200
wattPEP............................ £10.60
Single Meter SWR Wall type.............. £10.87
Single Metcr SWR Desk type............. £11.00
Twin Meter SWR Desk type............... £13.55
T345N Thru Lme Wattmoter 140 435MHz .. £34.45
DL20 20 watt 50 ohm Dum my Load....... £6.30
DL5050watt 50ohm Dummy Load....... £7.50
Dl 10001 kWDummy load 50ohm....... £31.00
Morse Keys lightweight................. £3.25
Nye King Morse Keys.................... £10.15
HyMound HK708....................... £10.50
KatsumiEK 150 Electronic Keyer.......... £79.00
Katsumi MK 1024 Electronic Keyer. with
DX-008 Programmable Frequency
Counter............................. £116.25
HP3A High Pass Filter................... £3.25
Twm Keying Paddle Chrome plated
withheavybase Precision Unit......... £26.50
Fuli Rangę of Microwave Modules Converters. Transverters. linears. etc.
Mini Products
C4X 3band Vertical..................... £48.00
HQ1 Mini Beam....................... £96.00
ARAC 102 Receiver, 28-30 MHz. 144-146 MHz AM SSB-FM CW.................Price £107.50
S.T.E. Prices include VAT and postage
ARAC 1 70 lOm and 70cm Recewer....................£129 00
AAI Audio Module for AR 10 ......£4.10
AD4FM Discnminator............£5.00
AL8lmear Amplifier . ..........£27.60
ATAL 2m AM FMTx............£129.00
C8800 2M FM Mobile Transceiver.......£252.00
Tribander Helical 10 15 20m.............£24.72
IF Coils forTribander.................... £6.55
LFTelescopic WhipSecnon.............. £3.35
Basemount standard type................ £4.48
Multimobile 78. 10-15 20m............. £28 75
MM Coils.............................. £6 55
MMTelescopic whipsection............. £3.33
Flexi whip basie 10metres scction........£17.25
Basemount standard.................. £4 48
Bali type Basemount.................... £6.32
Coils for Flexi whip...................... £6 55
Base thread adaptor USA G Whip......... £0.75
Extendamd 40"........................£11.50
TV3300low Pass Filter.................£18.40
TR7TransceiverandACpsu ..........£1056.85
MN7ATU/RFWattmeter ...............£126 50
AR20. 1 2channel FMreceivcr 144 146MHz. Input impedance 50-75 ohm. AM FM modes. Sensitivity 0.2uV AF output 3 watts. 12v DC operation ..................................Price £50.00
AT23. 12 Channel PM Transmitter. 3 watts 144-146 MHz. Frequency deviation 3-10 kHz adjustable. I2v DC operated AF input sensitivity 2mVadjustableto 50mV...........Price £50.00
455 kHz FM DISCRIMINATOR AMPLIFIER. L.miting threshold 100uV. Amplitudę modulation rejection 40dB. Audio output voltage at 1 kHz 20-300mV frequency deviation 13 kHz..........Price £5 00
Rx Band Pass Rlter. 9 I.C's. 1 watt output* 8 switched positions of filters* High pass 2 5 kHz 2 00 kHz 1.5 kHz-200 Hz-110 Hz-80 Hz" Ideał for increased selectivity with FRG7. SXH30.
etc..............................Price £30.45 ^
This unit is the compłete answer to interference and bandwidth problems. The unit contams the well proven peak and notch filter and band pass filter. Ideał for users of the FRG7. SXR30. SSR1 type of i receive(%. No internal connections to your receiver..............................£51.75
Pre-Selector. Coverage 1.6 MHz to 31 MHz* Three switched bands* Type l with antenna changeover relay for Transceiver op.............Price £30.45
Type 2 for SWl without relay........Price £27.25
Crystal Calibrator. Seven ranges down to 1 kHz Selected from front panel Compłete with antenna .................................Price £22.80
Some Models in New Type Cabinets
7hcse pnccs include VA7 and postage.
Maximum ratmgs quoted. Prices include postage.
Model 122 12 6V2.5A..................£15 55
Model 12510-15V 5amp................£28 00
Model 153S4-20V 3amp Dual Meter......£29.35
Model 156S4 15V 5ampTwin Meter.....£35 00
Model 1210S 4 20V 10amp Twin Meter.... £85.00 Model 1210SV 4 20V 10 amp Digital Readout
Model 153SV 4 20V 3 amp Digital Readout £38.00
Model 1220/1 13.5V 20 amp.............£90.00
Model 12202 13.5V12amp.............£80.00
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