RATES: Display; £3 single column inch.
Prfyate advertiaemant8 5p per word, minimum charge £1.
Trade adyertlsements lOp per word, minimum charge £1.
Please wrlte clearly. No responslblllty can be accepted for errors. -Post to SAWELL & SONS LTD.. 4 LUDGATE CIRCUS LONDON EC4
SHANKLIN, l.o.W.—Alver»tone Manor Hotel lor magnlflcent sea views. Tennis, televi$ion. Licensed-bar. Brochure with pleasure —G3KPO. (Tel. 098386-2586).
STAY AT THE CORNWALL HAM-RADIO HOLIDAY CENTRE. Sell catering fumished accommodation. 6 element beam. 6Sft tower. 90 awards. Fuli detalls G3XBR St. Tudy, Bodmin, Cornwail.
PATENTS and TRADE MARKS.—Booklot on roque$L Kings Patent Agency Ltd (B. T. King, Mem RSGB, Reg Pat Agent). —146A Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4. Tel 01-248 6161. 60 year'8 refs.
QRZde DL2 OM(23) and XYL(20). Which family around London needs a help In the Household Irom 19.7 to 15.8.71. My wite wishes to work as an 'au-pair-glrl' to get better knowtedge In the English language. I am also interested in an occupatlon. Roland Milker, 54 Koblenz, Ulnerstr, Ic, West-Germany.
WANTED. mains psu lype 6211/A for redifon ssb transceiyer GR 410. Also WW2 German Magneto field telephones for collec-tion, detalls required, Box L7438 c/o Radio Communfcatlon, 4, Ludgate Circus, London, EC4.
MORSE KEYS wanted by collector: domeatic and foreign, Mlii-tary and commercial. Shedd, 20 Heathgate, London NW11.
TRIO STOCKISTS-York Photo Audio Centre, Fossgate, York. Tel. 56176.-Equipment exchanged for Cameras/Projectors.
PROTOTYPE or short run turning/mHling etc., and sheet metal work capacity ayailabte.—C. G. James Electronics (G3WB), Stalnea Road. Feltham, Mlddx. 01-570 3127.
LICENSED AMATEUR, 22 Electronics Graduate, some Indust-rial experience, seoks temporary employment July-September. Based North London, but anythlng, anywhere consldered. Box No. L7440. c/o Radio Communication, 4, Ludgate Circus, London, EC4.
A.M.S.E. (Elec.), City & Gullds. R.T.E.B. Cert., Radio Amateurs* Cert, etc., on *Satltfaction or Refund’ terms. Wide rangę of Coursos in Elec. Englneerlng, Design, Instaliatlon, Repalrs, Refrlgeratlon, Electronics, Radio & TV, etc. Send for fuli details and lllustrated book—FREE. BRITISH INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, (DepL 200K), Aldermaston Court, Reading RG7 4PF.
Officer Grade II
* Salarv UD to £2165 Rcquircd by the Department of Civil Aviation for the instałlation, JT V . servicing and maintenance of acronautical telecommunications
LOW taxatlOn cquipmcnt including MF bcacons, Iow power (up to 1KW) HF * 75 °/ <rrntuitv nn transmilters using SSB, AM and FSK tcchniques, Iow power (up to
s 50\V) VHF transmilters and associatcd VHF and HF rcceivcrs completion OJ JU including RTT tcrminals, VHF multi-channcl link and Wiłcox
month tour VOR/DMEcquipmcnts, Facsimile cquipmeni and 200 Mc/s DME.
* ^ . . .. Sclectcd candidatcs will also be rcquired to assist with the training
* Subsidised housing * Appointments Grant £100 or £200 payable in certain circumstances * Contract 24-36 inonths
Candidates, aged 25-55, must havc completcd a recogniscd apprcnticcship or similar training in acronautical telecommunications foliowed by a minimum of live years* rclevant cxpcricncc on at least 50% of the abovc-mcntioncd equipment. The possession of the City & Guilds Finał Certificatc in Telecommunications, H.N.C. or cquivalenl would bc an advantage although applicants lacking formal educational qualifications but with cxtensivc experiencc may bc considcrcd.
Appiy to CROWN AGENTS, ‘M* Division, 4 Millbank, London, S. W. I. for application form and further particulars stating name. age, brief details of qualifications and cxpcricncc and quoting refcrencc number M2K/7I0342/RC.