General eąuations for the stress analysiis of rings, by Eugene E.
Lundąuist and Walter F. Burkę. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1935. 10 p. diagrs., tables. (N.A.C.A. Report
no. 509)
Initłal torsicaal .s.tiffness of shells v;ith interior webs, by Paul Kuhn. Washington, 1955. 24 ?. diagrs. (K.A.C.A. Tech-
nical notes r«o. 542)
Investigation of thin-v;allea bearns with unparallel strips, by A. Romashevsky. Moscow, Scientific technical deparbment of the Supremo council of national economy,* 1935. 29 p. (C.A.E.I.
Transaotions no. £03)
and ber.ding mcznents ir. siembers of a plane^braćed- frame with rigid joints, by J. Morris. London, H.M.Stat. off., 1935.
42 p. bibiiog., diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 3672)
Principal effects cf azial loao on momen of rigid struetures, by Benjamin W. 46 p. diagrs., tables. (N.A.C.A.
t distributioa analysis James. .Washington, 1935 Technical* notes no. 534)
A Routine roethod of stressing for three-ply covered fuselages
\?ith special reference to some mecłianical tests on particular fuselage, by H. Eavis. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1935. 4 p.
diagrs. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1694)
festures of the behaviour in bending o and channels, by D. Williams. London, 1935. 12 p. diagrs., illus., tables. no. 1669)
thir.-walled tubes H.M.rStat. off., (‘A.R.C. R. & M.
The Stability of a‘*mcnocoque in compressicn (dritical loads), by J.L. Taylor. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1935. 8 p. diagrs.
(A.R.C. & M. no. 1679)
Stress anelysls of a two-spar tapered wing undsr torsion, by G. Elenevsky. Moscoy, , Scientific technical department of* the Supreme council of national econorriy, 1955. (C.A.H.I. Trans-
acticns no. 208)
The Stress analysis of the fuselage structure, by A.J. Sutton Pippard and J. Ławrence Pritchard. (In their Aeroplane struetures. New York, Longmans, Green and company, 3935. p. £07-225. diagrs., tables)
Stresscs in statically indeterminate struetures, by H. Wuchang, China, National Y/uhan university press, second edition. 484 p. diagrs., tables.
Rice ano N. F company, 1935
of metal . Word.
• c44 p
airplanes, by J.E. Younger, R. K. New York; London, McGraw-Kill
charts, diagrs., illus., tables.