Specification and design of steel gusset-plates (v?ith analysis of stresses), by T. H. Rust. Proceedir.gs of the A.S.C.E.,

New York, Nov. 1938, v, 64, no. 9, p. 1829-45. diagrs.

Metodo generale di calcolo delle piastre circolari libere al

bordo su appoggi puntuali, di Mario Salvadori. Ricerche di ingegneria, Roma, Sep.-Oct. 1938, v. 6, no. 5, p. 141-47. diagrs.

Fiat plates under pressure, by Elias Moness. Journal of the aero nautical Sciences, New York,- Sep. 1938, v. 5, no. 11, p. 421 '25. illus.


Uber ein nichtlineares probiera der plattenstatik, von Rudolf

Hoffman. Z.A.M.M., Berlin, Aug. 1938, v. 18, no. 4, p. 226-32. '.diagrs., tables.

The Elastic śtability of a curved piąte under axiel thrusts, by S. C. Redshaw. Journal of the R.A.S., London, June 1938, v.. 42, no. 330, p. 536-53. illus., table.

Applicazione del metodo di H. Marcus al calcolo della piastra

parallelogi-amoiica, di Cecilia Yittoria Brigatti. Ricerche di ingegneria, Roma, Mar.-Apr. 1938, v. 16, no.- 2, p. 42-47. diagrs., tąbles.

Interpretating data from strain rosettes (practicai rapid procedurę for deducing stresses from strain-gage measurements on a piąte subjected to stress), by George E. Beggs and Elmer K. Tiraby. Engineering nev:s-recorć, New York, Mar. 10, 1958, v. 120, p. 366-70. illus.

Quelques problerrjes df4lasticite h. deux dimensions sur les

plaąues indefinies, par A. Martinet. Annales des ponts et

„ chaussees, Paris,’Mar. 1938, v. 1, no. 3, p. 315-17. diagr.

Die Knickung der rechteckigen platte durch -schubkr&fte, von S. Iguchi. Ingenieur-archiv, Berlin, Feb. 1938, v. 9, no. 1, p. 1-12. diagrs., tables.

La Plastra*rettangolare appoggiata lungo due lati e caricata uniformemente in modo simmetrico, di Mario Salv&dori. LfIngegnere, Roma, Feb. 1938, v. 16, no. 2, p. 49-59. diagrs., tables.

Die Nietkraftverteilung in zugbeanspruchten nietverbindungen mit konstanten laschenąuerschnitten, von Olaf Volkersen. Luft-fahrtforschung, MUnchen und Berlin, Jan. 20, 1938, v. 15, no. 1-2, p. 41-47. diagrs.

Reduktionszahl fUr platten bei gleichzeitiger druck- und

schubbeanspruchung, von I. Swerdlow. Teknika vosdushnovo flota, Moscow, 1938, no. 5, p. 25-32. illus.


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