Calculation of wing spars, by H. MUller-Breslau. Washington,

1921.    (N.A.C.A. Technical meraoranćums no. 35) (F^roin

Z.F.M., MUnchen und Berlin, Apr. 30, 1320, v. 11, no. 7-8)

A Graphical method for the determination of the bending moments and deflection in an aeroplane spar, by Barbara S. C-ough. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1921.    6 p. diagrs. (A.R.C.

B. & M. no. 741)

The Lateral buckling of wing spars, by J. Case and A.A. Griffith. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1921.    10 p. diagrs. (A.R.C.

R.    & M. no. 403)

Optical determination of stresses in airplane spars, bv A.R. Low.

S. A.E. Journal, New York, Oct. 1920, v. 7, p. 393)    (Als.o

Engineering, London, Feb. 21, 1919, v. 107, no. 2773, p. 234)

The Loads and stresses on aeroplanes, by John Case. Aeronautics, London, May-June 1919, Jan. 1-June 24, 1920, v. 16, 17, 18, no. 289-297, 309-49.

Zur berechnung von tragflachenholmen, von H. Muller-Breslau.

Z.F.M., MUnchen, Oct. 15, 1919, v. 10, no. 19, p. 197-201. illus.

Wing spar stresses, by H.A. Webb and H.H. Thorne. Aeronautics, London, Jan. 1, 1919, v. 16, no. 272, p. 8-11. diagr.

Zur festigkeitsberechnung der flugzeugholme, von H. MUller-Breslau. Technische berichte, Charlottenburg, Aug. 1, 1918, v. 2, no. 3, p. 485-543. diagrs., tables.

Der Einfluss der spante auf die festigkeit der holme, von L. Ballenstećt. Technische berichte, Charlottenburg, 1918, v. 3, no. 4, p. 100-07. diagrs., tables.

A Preliminary notę on methods of calculation which may be employ-ed in the determination of the stresses in the spars of aeroplane v;ings, by L. Bairstow and L.A. MacLachian.

London, H.M. Stat. off.. 1914.    13 p. diagrs., illus.

(A.R.C. R. & M. no. 83)


Castiglianofs principle of minimum strain-energy, by R. V.

Southwell. Proceedings of the Royal society of London, Mar. 2, 1936, v. 154, no. 881, p. 4-21. illus.


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