Simplified proof of the three-moment formula for continuous beams, by 8.E. Slocum. Engineering news, New York, Feb. 12, 1914, v. 71, r), 398-400.
Fiat—bottom corrugations under combined loading of compression
and torsional shear, by C.P. Grady. Journal cf the aeronau-tieal Sciences, New York, Apr. 1939, v. 6, no. 6, p. 255-57. illus.
Torsion of tapered tubes (effect of various parameters on the
stiffness, etc.), by L. Hanson. Aircraft engineering, London, Apr. 1939, v. 11, no. 122, p. 145-47, 160. diagrs., illus.
Torsional stresses in cylinders, by J. Taylor. Aircraft engineering, London, Dec. 1938, p. 375-77. illus., tables.
diagrs. (Abstr&ct. Technical data digest, New York, Nov. 1, 1930)
Torsjon of built-up and reinforced tubes, by W.J. Duncan. Engineering, London, Oct. 7, 21, 1938, p. 412-14; 467-69.
The Theory of torsion-bending, a suggested solution of a problem on which few data are avai3able, by J.L. Taylor. Aircraft
engineering, London, Oct. 1338, v. 10, no. 116, p. 313-14. illus.
Creep on cylinders in torsion, by M.C. Fetzer. Transactions of the American pocięty for rnetais, Cleveland, Ohio, Sep.
Torsion in rectangular spar-boxes, by H. Davies. Aircraft engineering, London, July 1938, v. 10, no. 113, p. 221-23. illus., tables.
Flexure with shear and associated torsion in prisms of uni-ax:Ui] and asymetrie cross-sections, by A.C. Stevenson. Philosophical transactions of the Royal society of London, raathematical and physical section, Apr. 14, 1938, ser. A, v. 237, no. 776, p. 161-229. diagrs., illus.
Application of the Orlerkin method to the torsion and flexure of cylinders and prisms, by W. J. Duncan. philosophical magazine, London, Apr. 1938, v. 25, no. 169, p. 634-49. tables. (Abstract Journal of the R.A.S., London, May 1938, p. 479)'