1. Listening
You will hear part of a radio programmo where members of the public ask questions. For questions 1-1 b complete the notes which summarise what the speaker says. You will nced to write a word or a short phrase in each box.
1. In the Bronze Age many people died before the age of
2. By that time their teeth had already
3. I he Romans took
very seriously.
4. They used a powder madę from
mixed with
5. Their method of
fingers wasn't vei"y 7
6. In some culturcs brushes were madę by
twigs or leaving them overnight in water.
7. This madę the
8. The first toothbrush Fixed
to the handle was madę in China.
9. The first eiectric toothbrush
in America in 1885 was
the pasto into their teeth with
of the twig split to make a brush.
10. Today good teeth are part of the ideał of
11. The last century has brought a in the use of toothbrushes.
12. Today's eiectric brushes are 15