


3 prot You will hear an extract from a radio programme in which an expert talks about research conducted łon the snów leopard years ago during a project in the Himalayas. For questions 1-6, tick (/) one of the boxes, A, B, C or D to show the best answer.





What does the expert say about doing research abroad?

A Not all people are cut out for that kind of life.

B They would try anything in order to succeed.

C Foreign expeditions could be very difficult and tiresome. D They knew little about the mountain regions of Asia.

They studied the snów leopard mainly

A because of its challenging habitat.

B because it was under the threat of extinction.

C to determine the feelings of this “phantom”.

D because of its beautiful coat.

_, 3 If they didn’t take adeąuate supplies with them, they would

A have to walk to base camp. i _____ B employ local porters to bring morę.


B    C have to manage without for months.

B    D walk 160 miles south to a storę.


They chose to study the Langu Gorge because

A it was a remotely familiar region.

B the strongest snów leopards could be found there. C of its monotonous and isolated terrain.

D there were many snów leopards there.

The idea of conducting a radiotelemetry study was





A silently accepted.

B initially laughed at.

C opposed by others.

D investigated at first.

Why was it difficult to drug the animal?

A They had to be within a two-foot radius. B It would constantly move.

C They had to mark it first.

D It was still in the snare.'*





;a -






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