17 Medical emergencies during a flight
A always reąuire immediate medical attention.
B are quite often related to airsickness and stornach problems. C are usually stress-related incidents.
D occur morę freąuently than people might expect.
18 Ali airline cabin crews
A ręęeive regular medical training.
B attend brief medical training courses.
C are reąuired to undergo comprehensive medical training.
D attend standardised first-aid courses.
19 What does Ruth imply about a particular British charter carrier?
A The effectiveness of their training course is doubtful.
. B Their flight attendants are medical experts.
C They offer the most comprehensive training course.
D They are willing to answer ąuestions on medical problems.
20 The contents of all aeroplane medical kits
A are set by the Joint Aviation Authorities.
B vary according to the airline.
C depend on the type of aircraft.
D are govemed by standard regulations.
21 A doctor on board during a medical emergenćy
A will insist that the flight be diverted.
B will be involved in a medical lawsuit.
C might be unwilling to reveal their profession.
D cannot ignore a passenger in need of medical attention.
A | |
B | |
C | |
D |