Will (Continucd)
lion of, 131; anmhilatcd in Fuddhisro, 210
Willy, Rudolt: pro-Mach Zurich author. 190
Wilson, Woodrow: mentioncd, 294 Wind, C. H.: rcdiłCOYercd Mach banJ* (aftcr thirty years of ncglcct) and gen-erously gavc them their currcnt namc,
Windischgrarz, Prince Alfred (Austrian prime minister): his governmcnt ap-proved Mach's transfer to Vienna, 154 Wirtinger, Wilhelm: heard Einstein's Salzburg lccture (1909) but did not un-derstand it wcll enough to l»c ablc to cxplain it to Mach, 262-263 Wittgenitcin, Ludwig (Austrian philoso-pher, whose idcas arc currcntly sery in fluential in England and America): life and pcrsonility, 184 186, 306, 307-308. 309: Machs influence on him,
184- 186; Mauthners influence on him,
185- 186; his influence on Russell, 200-201; impact on members of the Vicnna Circle, 200-201, 203, 302, 303, 305, 307-308; the vcrific3tion theory of meaning, 304; slow to rcact to discos-ery of imageless thoughts in psychology, 230-231; mentioncd, 316
Wlassak, Rudolf: follower of Asenarius and supporter of Mach, 189-190 Wosyka, J: laboratory asslstant to Mach, stole some books, 44; Mach becamc up-set, developed an cyc ailment rcflecting high blood pressurc and scems to havc left actual laboratory work in the hands of his other assistants and colleagucs, 45-46, 49; mentioned, 147 Wundt, Wilhelm (founder and leader of
conlent psychology): approach to psychology sery similar to that of Mach, 58; morę influeniial than Brcntano in cxpcnmcntal psychology, 62; taught Kulpę and Titchencr, 201, 229; in-volved in pcrsonal ccntrovcrsy with Stumpf, 228; mentioncd, 61
X-ray stcreoscopy: Mach madę first eon-tribution to field a few wceks after Róntgcn's origir.al discosery of the rays thcmsclscs, 162; mentioncd, 329
Yeager, Charles (jct pilot): first to break the sound barricr (Mach one), 112 Yonng, Thomas: mentioned, 58
Ziehcn, Theodor: mentioned, 122 Zimmrrmann. Robert (Austrian philoso-pher): held Vicnna chair in philosophy, 150; was rcluctant to havc Mach, a physiciit. occupy the vacani “Brentano’s chair," 151; rcluctantly supported Mach’* candidacy, 152 Zindeberg, Alcxandrc (Russian army of-ficcr): uscd Mach's tcxtbook in Acad-cmy for Russian cadcts, 236 Żilka, Jan- Hussitc mil i tary leader, 40 Zóllncr, Johann Karl Friedrich (German astronomer): dcvclopcd a four-dimen-łional theory svith similarities to that of Einstein (i.e., "curvcd spacc”), which, howeser, crcatcd a scandal, 261; Mach’s opposition to Zóllncrs theory seems to havc spillcd ovcr against Einstein and Minkowski, 275
Zurich (Switzrrland): Machist stronghold in philosophy, 189-190. See also Mach colony; Einstein, Albert; Adler, Friedrich