IMG 28

IMG 28


Quantum thcory (Continued)

Planck’* discovcry of discontinuous phc-nomcna, 310-311; of thc use ot n-dimcnsions in, 310-312; Mach would prohably havc rcjcctcd Copcnhagcn in-tciprctation of, 316; rclatian to Mach* interna! purpose of science, 170 Quinton, Anthony: daimed Clifford in-flucneed by Mach'* thcory of cconomy,


Rabel. Gabricllc (student of Boltznuno): cornplained to Mach about Boltzroann'* vicws, 208

Rabl, Karl: anti-Setnite, 84 Ramsay, Sir William: mentioned, 204 Rankinc, William John Macquorn: pre-cursor of Ostwald conccrning energeti-cism, 117

Ratliff, Floyd: mecting with von Bekasy, 50; wrotr Mach Bands. 51: dcscribcd Mach'* photographing of shock wavcs, 110

Raylcigh, John William Strun: mentioned,


Realum. Set Causal rcalism; Cntical rcal-ism; Nairc rralism; New rcalism Reference, thcory of:

—Prcscniational (implies oonsciousncss, cognition, or rxistcnce of what i* rc-ferred to): Mach’* ver*ion of, 32, Car-nap and scrification thcory sersions of, 303-307

—Repreientationa! or common sensc (docs net imply conseiousness, cogni-t;on, or cxistcnce of what is referred to): mentioned, xi, 32, 303, 304, 306-

307. 310

Rcichcnbacb, Hans: blamed srnility for Mach'* opposition to Einstein'* thcory of relatisity, 281 Rcid, Thomas: mentioned, xi Reininger, Robert: mentioned, 301 Rcitlinger, Edmund (Austrian physicist and frieod of Mach): introduced Josef Popper-Lynkeus to Mach, 21-32; mentioned, 23

Relations: Newton’* underuanding of, 95: Mach’* failurc to define, 31, 64, 67-68; physical space and time dcfined as rclation*. 66-67, *02, 266; *pace and time (as rclalicns) trejted a* causct, 252; mentioned, 327 Re!ativc tpace, time, morion, place, and

rest. Sce Space; Time; Motion; Place; Rest

Rclatwiiy, Einstein'* thcory ot: rclativity dcfined, 350; esidcncc that Mach was sympathetie to, 252-256,    276-278;

Macb's influence on Einstein, 248-249, 254-255; Mach'* opposition to, x, 257-258, 278-282, 321; Mach'* epistemo-logical doubts about light constancy, 274; Mach'* opposition to Einstein’* use ot non-Eućlidcan geometry, 264-265; Dinglcr'* influence on Mach’* at-titude loward, 192, 256-257, 264-267, 274, 278, 279; Mach'* cpistcmologtcal thcory of relatisity had only thc word in cominon with Einstein'* physical thcory, 258; if Mach acccptcd Einstein's thcory it svas only in term* of a "rela-tisized" principlc of light constancy, 282; Mach’* spccific rcasons against to be givcn in Part II of his book on optics (ncver published), 258; Mach hoped son's cxpcnmcnts would dis-courage relativistic speeulation, 283; in-consistent with Doppler thcory?, 19; Einstein and Rcichcnbach bcliesed se-mlity prcvcntcd Mach from acccpting thcory, 281; Ludwig Mach failed to re-futc Einstein'* thcory and tlcstroycd his svork, 285; mentioned, 273, 316

—Special thcory of: Einstein-Stoitschcfl discussion anticipated tlicory, 190; Mach tried to understand, 262-264; Mach sccmcd to encourage Einstein, 252-253; mentioned, 249,    250-251,


—General tlicory of: rclation to Mach’* idea*, 254-255; similaritics to Z6llncr's four-dimcnsional thcory, 261; Pctzoldt impressed with, 274; Mach opposed 1913 vcrsion of, 275; rejectcd by Din-gler and acccptcd by his student Car-nap, 303: widcly acccptcd today but Mach'* principlc deleted from, 255

Relatisity, Mach'* cpisicmological thcory of: dcfined, 258-259, 350; inconsistent with Einstein'* thcory, 258-259; Frank, Pctzoldt, and Lampa, linkcd it with Einstein’* thcory. 191, 250-251, 274; Mach linkcd Minkowski'* thcory with hi* own, 261; Einstein'* principlc of light constancy not consistent with, 274; mentioned, x, 183, 185

Rclativity, physical: dcfined, 350; rcla-tiont to cpisicmological thcory of, 170



—Christian doctrinc: Mach’* reticence on, 37; liis anccstors wcre Catholic, 333; hc was formally Catholic .md actually an atliciM, 78; Machs opposition to. J7. 78. 128, 152-153, 290-292; Ecrkc-lcy'$ phcnomcnalism designed to pro-tcct, 244; oppojcd to positivism, 165; rclation to ontological phcnomcnalism, 26; Lenin'* criticitm of .Mach and posi* tivism bccaułc of thcir compatibility with rcligion, 244, 342

—Machs difficultics with Roman Catho-lics: paintcd lialf of f.imily pastor’* face black, 6; Iow opmion of Bcncdictine tcachcrs of Mach as a student, 8-9; con-trovcrsy with Rohling, 80 83; derical rcsistancc to Mach's transfer to Vicnna, *52-153; Mach’s opposition to I.ucgcr and thc Christian Socialist Party in Vicnna, 158-159; Mach’s opposition to thc establishment of a Catholic uni-strsity in Salibuig, 235; Mach't criti-cism of thc Popc's syllabus, 291; his attack on thc Jesuits, 233, 291; eon* łrosersy with his friend Dvo?ak ovcr thc rcspcctivc merits of science and Christianity, 291-292; signed a mani-festo (1912) uiging all Catholic* to abandon thcir church, 292

—Mach‘s positivc religious vicws. Sec Buddhism

Rcnouvicr, Charles: mentioned, 315

Representationalism (thc notion that thc world cannot be direedy sensed but is represented to conscious-ness, that all appcaranccs and what seern cxtcmal arc actually mentol. that thc rcal world can be reliably understeod through carcful infcrcncc from cmpirical esidcncc): dcfined, xi. 345; distinguished from presenutional-ism, 2C3, 357: Newton'* philosophy. 90; common sensc, 203: attackcd by Berkeley. Hunie, and Kant. 295-296; positisists opposrd to, 167; not under-standabk in term* of a prcsentationalist thcory of refcrcnce, W. verifiability thcory of mcaning, 306-. Mach's opposition to. 57. 86; mentioned. 127. 169. 190. 243. 245. 250. Sec dto Common sensc

Rcprcscnutisc thcory of pcrccpnon: ac-cepted by Newton. 90; rciected by Mach, t37

Resident forcc: Sec Mass. inertu!

Rest: Newton'* defimtinns of. 9.x Rey, Abel: mentioned, 194 Riemann. Georg Friedrich Bernhard: mentioned, 67, j6o Rdke, Rainer Maria: mentioned, 38 Rohling, August (theolcgy professor and anti-Semite): involved in mysterious disputc with Mach, 81; may hase sought to undermine Mach's posrnon as reetor. 82: found support among both student* and faculty, 82; had .'fach at a diudvantagc, 83 Rontgen, Wilhelm: mentioned, 162 Roycc, Josiah (American philosophcr and collcaguc of William James): familiar with Mach'* work, 126 Russell, Bertrand: opposcd neutral mon* ism at first, 199-200; openly acccptcd neutral rnonism and acknowledged Mach's role in de.eloping doctrine, 200; influenced by Wittgenstcio, 306; wrote introduction to Wittgenstein’t Trjćtalui, 307; sccond thoughts about Wittgenstcin. 201; slow to react to dis* covcrv of imageless thoughts, 230-231; turned toward representationalism in later years, 201; mentioned, 127, 185, 203

Russia. Mach*s philosophical influence in: 235-246

Sadi-Carnor. Nicolas Leonard: mentioned,


Saint Augustinc. See Augustinc, Saint Sajner, Joscf (Brunn/Brno sdcnbst): helped detcrminc birthplacc of Ernst Mach, 325

Salcher, P. (Austrian łcientist): carned out shock wave cxperimentt for Mach, 46, 110; dcscloped early wind tunntl.


Santayana. George (American philosopher): a Critical Realist and opposed to New Rcalism (and Mach'* phenomcnal* ism), 202-203

Sarrau. f.milc (French scientist): gavc nunc to "nombre dc Sarrau." which is iometimes uscd in France in place of thc cxprevsion "Mach number," 112 SJurwin. W. (Russian supporter of Mach): complaincd about Bogdanov’s preface to Mach*s Analyńt 0/ Semationt. 339: mentioned. 238 SchcfTer. H. M.: mentioned. 200



Podobne podstrony:
IMG 32 lndex Will (Continucd) lion of, 131; anmhilatcd in Fuddhisro, 210 Willy, Rudolt: pro-Mach Zur
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