Some features of the behaviour in bending of thin-walled tubes and

channels, by D. Williams. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1935.    12 p.

diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1669)

Torsion of a rectangular tubę with axial constraints, by D.

Williams. London, H.M# Stat. off.. 1934.    30 p. diagrs.,

tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1619)

Flexion des tubes k parois minces k section circulaire, par I.

Walter. Bulletin de lfInstitut des recherches de lłaeronau-tiąue de Varsovie, 1933.    18 p. diagrs., illus.

Stability of thin-walled tubes under torsion, by Lloyd Hamilton Donnell. Washington, U.S. Gcvt. print. off., 1933.    24 p.

diagrs., illus., tables. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 479) (Abstracts Journal of the R.A.S., London, Oct. 1934, p. 800 and Transactions of the A.S.M.E., New York, 1934, v. 56, p. 108)

Sul coraportamento dei tubi sottili in duralluminio assoggettati a flesso-torsione e sulle loro applicasioni nella costruzione degli aeromobili, di G. Gabrieli!. LfAerotecniea, Roma,

Dec. 1932, v. 12, no. 12, p. 1594-1605, 1700. diagrs., illus.

Kote on the distoption of thin tubes under flexure, by A#J. Sutton Pippard. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1932.    5 p. diagrs. '

(A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1465)

The Torsion and flexure of cylinaers and tubes, by W.J. Duncan.

London, H.M. Stat. off., 1932.    70 p. illus., tables. (A.R.C.

R. & M. no. 1444)

The Allowable stress in tubes subjectea to torsion. Washington,

U.S. Govt. printo off., 1929.    5 p. diagrs. (Air corps

Information circular no. 641)

Strength of tubing under combined axial and transverse loading, by L.B. Tuckerman, S.N. Petrenko and C.D. Johnson. Washington, 1929.    17 p. diagrs., tables. (N.A.C.A. Technical

notes no. 307)

Calculation of circular tubes with thin walls, by B. Lobatcheff. Vestnik ingenerov i teknikov, Moscow, June-July 1928, no. 6-7, p. 246-53; 289-94. diagrs.

Der Nachweis innerer spannungen in stangen una rohren, von G. Sachs. Zeitschrift fUr metallkunde, Berlin, Sep. 1927, v. 19, no. 9, p. 352-57. illus.

Bendir.g stresses in thin walled tubes (monocoque fuselages of air~ planes), by J. Case. London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosoph-ical magazine and Journal of science, London, Jan. 1924, v. 47, no. 277, p. 197-208. illus.


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