Yihrations of Cryan Shamcs shook HLR gym
Atting the fill-in ImimI. Ku» Ouiniiy lllo/lnas and Kay la//ar.i of
the ’ limrlos Moods* crumalncd durtn$* a break
Knjoyłng thrm%rlvr* a! ibr Kirk-CMI Dante, Warren Kub and (Juda Steruberg dam rd to the miisk* ol thr "Cosi of |Jving '

Ilu- great walls of knowlcdge trcmbled and Jived w Uh the groovy sounds of the "Cryan Shamcs." At 4:00. January 28. approxlmatcly 2,075 peoplc poured into the III.U campus gym to cnjoy two fascinating hours wlth thłs popular group. Twelve campus clubs sold Uckets two months prcvlous to the conccrt. for the immense profit of $2,907.62. The "Cryan Shamcs" thrllled thelr a ud lence wlth sonie ofthcir higgest łilts, Includlng "It Could Be \\Vre In Ix>ve" and "Sugar and Spiec."
The Klck-Off Dunce held on Septcinber 23. 1%7, began the rash of activitles during the school year. The "Cosi of Uvlng" providcd musie for the rccord crowd ih.it altcndcd the dance held in honor of the football team. For the first Orne the annual dance also becanie a victory cclebratlon. Coach Tysall presented a Ylctory speech outllning the tactics for the coming year. Koot-halls and pennants dccorated the gym.
An oclrcmcly wdl-bchavcd cro*«l ol morc tlinn 2,000 Ibirord as ihc 'Cryan Shamcs* .tang thelr most j*>|>nlar hits.
The Cryan Shamcs

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