The season 5 rolled around to spring and oncc again. U was Unie to get into tlie swing of things. The baseball team start-ed their tryouts and prarticing. and soon the team consistcd of 24 juniors and seniors. Ruilding a strong team requircd a lot of pracllce, and Coaches James. Kero, and Kahold admitted that they worked the boys bard to get the desired results. They began the season by włnnlng three straight games. Captatn Andy Sam* palis liad scveral valuable player* among his teanimates: Milce Puma worked hard to reccive a .500 battlng average and a promłslng futurę in baseball, while JefT Janek was recognlzed for pitching a one hitter wlien the team was up against Ihornton Whcn the season liad ended. the llulldogs werc In a tle for stromi place in the South Suburhan League Confcrcnce. Jcff Janek and Mikę Puma shared the "Most Yaluublc Player" award. A
Job well done was shown by the teams improvcd mord of 7-7.
Wfch ihr rtprctanry of winning, Jrłl fanek, ihr Manili^ pildm lor llic v.w*liy. warmctl up willi łmcalrhei
In a closr rrturn piny «l ftr»l bw, łłirk Murray hardy brał oul che ihrow from ihc rhomrld^r pin brr co hu firM basem an.
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