Possible stresses in an aeroplane in flight, by George P. Thomson. | (In Technical report of the Advisory committee on aeronautics, 1915-16. London, 1920, p. 333-50. diagrs.)

Relation of rib spaeing to stress ln wing planes, by Albert F.

Zahm. Washington, 1920.    5 p. chart. (N.A.C.A. Technical

notes no. 5) (Ąbstract Aerial age, New York, Sep. 13, 1920, v. 12, no. 1, p. 19-20)    ^

Torsion of wing trusses at diving speeds, by Roy G. Miller. Washington, 0. g. Govt. print. off., 1920.    8 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.

Reoort no. 104)

Internal forces in a fuselage, by A.J. Sutton Plppard and J.    r

Laurenee Pritchard. (In thcir Aeroplane struotures. London, Longraans, Green and company, ltd., 1319. p. 148-§7. diagrs., tables)

Statlc analysis of fuselage, by Ottorino Pomilio. (In his Air-plane design and eonstruetion. New York, The McGraw-Hill book company; London, The Hill publishing company, 1919. p. 324-44. diagrs.)

On the torsion of a fuselage, by H. M. Garner and Arthur Berry. London, H* M. Stat. off., 1917.    16 p. diagrs. (A.R.C.

R. & M. no. 368)

The Stresses in the menbers of aeroplane bodies and fuselages,

due to the aero-dynamical loaas    on the taił    system, Part    I,    '

by W. L. Cowley. London, H. M.    Stat. off.,    1917.    8 p.    i

diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. &    M. no. 320)    I

Beanspruchung and sicherheit von flugzeugen, von H. Reissner. (In Jahrbuch der W.G.L. Berlin, 1912-13. v. 1, p. 85-122. diagrs. tables)    j

Stress eonsideratlons in aeroplane design, by Albert F. Zahm.    i

Philadelphia, Pa., Press of J.B. Lippincott company, 1913.

14 p. diagrs., illus. (Algo Journal of the Franklin insti-tute, Philadelphia, Pa., June 1913, v. 175, no. 6, p. 601-14)


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