16 -

at the newly deeigned ”Developoent Support Point8* (Point* dfAppui 80 Developpement "PAD").

3.05 Zn order to concentrate the limited rsaource* and skilla9 and to alloir a critical matę of reeearch ttaff to work effectively, the emphaeie, during the firet yeart of the project, muld be ons (a) coneolidating ezieting reeearch program*; (b) rehabilitating and eąuipping ezieting reeearch infra* truć tur# and facllitie* at Nlamey, Kolio, Tama* Konni, Bengou, and Agades, and eelected ■PADe”; (c) financing the operating ezpenses of priority reeearch program* and actiwitiee. In addition startIng FY3, the project muld finance new conatruction and required eąuipment for Tahoua and Zinder reeearch station*.

3.06    The3© componente muld be accompanied by the following reforms*

(a)    change in the statute of INRAN defining it* relationshlp with the Government and making adeąuate provisions for personnel recruitment, training and career development;

(b)    reorganization of INRAN, redefining technical and financial responsibilitiea for multidisciplinary programs, research st&tions and research departmenta aa well as reorganization of the Management Council, Technical Committee and Financial Committee (including repre8entativea from relevant ministries, eztension 8ervice8 and the farming comnuinity).

C. Detalled Features

(a) Organlzatlonal Strengthening

3.07    The project muld aupport the further strengthening of the capacity of IKBAN9* management to implement ita national research program. Adminirtrat /e responsibilitiea and technical research management muld be separated within the institution (Annez 6). The five Technical Department8inatead of reporting directly to the Director General9 muld report to the Head of the Scientific Directorate. Similarly, the Station Managera muld report to the Head of the Administration and Finance Directorate. Under the project, the Director General of INRAN muld be assiete 1 by a Administration and Finance Director (DAF) and one Scientific Director. The DAF muld be asssisted by a Personnel Officer and a Materiał Resource Officer. The Scientific Directorate muld be assisted by a Study, Programs, Monitoringu Evaluation and Training Division (Division des Etudes, Programmes9 Suivi-Evaluation et Fonnation "DEPSEF*) and a Dissemination and Documentation Division (Divi*ion de Valoriaation et Documentation "DIVAD”) for internal and eztemal dissemination of Information and for managing relations with eztension serwlcee. The Department of Statistics and Computer Systems will be transformed into a Unit and attached to the Office of the Scientific Director. For each research program, the research departments chiefs muld nominate a National Research Program Coordinator9 to ensure the internal coherence of the programs and the adherence to a multi-disciplinary team approach. During the project* an internationally recruited Research Management Consultant muld assist the Director of INRAN and the Scientific Directorate during ahort-term miseione, in establishing a management and monitoring system for the reeearch program, and in preparing work programs


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