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3.12 The Tahoua Research Statlon. The proJect will finance (PY3) the establishment of a smali research statlon near the town of Tahoua, to conduct reaearch on the pastorał and transitional zonę8 of the northern part of the region, on natural resources (soils, forests), on livestock (pastoralism, herding, animal health) and on the agro-sylvo-pastoral production Systems of the8e zones. The research methodology developed by a multidisciplinary research team should enable the NRM research program to be progres8ively ezpanded country-wide.
3.13 The Konni Research Statlon, located in the agricultural zonę in the southem part of Tahoua region. Its research programs on irrigation and agricultural mechani ition (animal traction, agricultural implements) will be further developo<* under the project and ezpanded to include adaptive research trials on farmer9s land. It will be adminlstratively attached to the Tama Center.
3.14 The Bengou Research Statlon would provide a base for applied and adaptive research program within the agricultural zonę of highest potential and from which a program of adaptive and participative research on the PAD8 and in farmers gardens will be supervised. It will be administratively responsible to the Kolio Center.
3.15 The Agadez Resarch Statlon will carry out research on the agronomy of oases, limiting ltself at first to datc palms and water management. In addition, because of ezisting laboratories for Biological Control against palmtree pests, Integrated Pest Management research programs will be undertaken in connectlon with the Tama Center and the University of Niamey.
3.16 The Statlon at Zlnder will conduct research on the charting and conservation of very degraded soils in the agricultural and agro-pastoral zonę of the Southeastem part of the country. The multidisciplinary research team would also supervise a program of adaptive research with the eztension 8ervlces and farmers in the region.
3.17 Each Research Center or Statlon will manage some Development Support Pointę (Points d9Appui au Deweloppment *PAD9). The old Support Points will be upgraded to PADs with a multi-role functions (i) they would form the base for the adaptiwe research program for a specific area; (ii) they would senre as a training ground for eztension staff and farmers; (iii) they would assist with seed multiplication to prowide farmers with easy access to seed of inproved warietles for testing in their own demonstration plots; and (iv) they would provide technical advice. The PAD would be staffed with technical staff who would 8upervi8e both the on-PAD trials and also those in farmers9 gardens (it could be ezpected that a technician would be able to partieipate in the implementation of 25 On-Farm-Research slmple trials/tests per year). Work from the PAD would include as much participative research and evaluation with the eztension sernice and farmers as possible.