operating costs. To support Guinea worm eradication activities, the project would finance the recurrent costs for training and to carry out case reporting and case containment activities.
3.40 Implementation. Overall responsibility for execution and supervision of tbis sub-component would lie within the Department of Preventive Medicine (DMP) under the National Devolution Coordinator and the DMP's Epidemiological Service.
(b) Sensitizing target ponulations (US$384,000)
3.41 Obiectiyes and Description. To support the Govemment's policy and efforts to promote sustainable resettlement in the onchocerciasis-freed areas, the project would support IEC campaigns to enlighten target populations on the disappearance of the risk of onchocerciasis transmission despite the return of the flies (vector), so that farmers will not be tempted to abandon their fields once morę. With respect to trypanosomiasis, the project would support IEC campaigns for target populations on techniques of insecticide impregnaiion and fly trap use. For the eradication of dracunculiasis, the project would support IEC campaigns to explain the role of the cyclops (vector) in transmitting the disease and water-filtering techniąues.
3.42 To support IEC, the project would continue to finance (i) radio programs in French and in five local languages, pamphlets and posters, etc.; and (ii) the recurrent costs for supervision and training in the country's 53 districts.
3.43 Implementation. Overall responsibility for execution and supervision of this sub-component would lie with the DMP through the National Devolution Coordinator.
4. Strengthen MSASF (US$4.7 million)
(a) Epidemiological Seryices (US$683,000)
3.44 Objectiyes and Description. To support the Govemment's efforts to rationalize the activities of the DMP, and to strengthen its ability to combat the resurgence of tropical diseases such as malaria, schistosomiasis, trypanosomiasis, and the dramatic increase of AIDS incidence, the project would support the construction and the equipment of a smali building to consolidate yarious offices under one roof. The DEP has undertaken an institutional analysis of the newly created DMP and recommended a reorganization to integrate the yarious services, as opposed to having them operate independently and yertically for each disease as they have done until the present (Annex 3.9). The appraisal mission reviewed the proposed reorganization and agreed with the Govemment's plan for integrating the yarious seryices. The project would also support training and specialist seryices to upgrade the technical competence of the DMP. This will include (i) training in Computer use; (ii) training for fbur physicians in epidemiology; and (iii) training in each CHR for a team of two nurses in epidemiological suryeillance.
3.45 The project would finance (i) civil works to construct a central DMP headąuarters (approximately 500 m2 building), (ii) operating equipment, and (iii) two vehicles.
3.46 Implementation. Contract management of the civil works subcomponent will be implemented through Faso Baara, whicb is also responsible for contract management of the construction and upgrading of the health facilities (paras. 3.14). The DEP will be responsible for preparing terms of reference to train the Staff of DMP in management and train physicians from the epidemiological seryice in epidemiology. The training will be implemented by the DMP.