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therefore limit its assistance to this sub-sector to the financing reąuired to launch a crop diversificatlon research program. This work would be initiated by 1NRAN and undertaken with the collaboration of the University (fourth year studenta and lecturers from the Agronomy Faculty); it would involve the establishment of observation plota of different crops across the agricultural aones following a de sk-research, inter-University/ Institution contact and exchange of plant materiał. The proposed project would further 8trengthen the program by financing two New nigerien researchers, four technicians, vehicles, eąuipment and operating costs.
3.25 Natural Resources Management. It is crucial that Niger initiate a multi-disciplinary research program on natural resources management as early in thelr Plan Quinquennal as possible and the proposed project will provide the finance necessary for the first phase of this program* The work would be designed so as to be complementary to the natural resources management program now started by ICRISAT and a technical committee (representatives of INRAN, the University and ICRISAT) would advise on the technical cantent of the program. It would involve the field development/te sting of farming Systems for both the trans itional agro/pastoral sona and the Southern agricultural zones. The objective of these systema would be the restoration and maintenance of soil fertility, the control of erosion and the stabilization of output of crop, forestry and livestocks products. The INRAN research disciplines involved in the implementation of the program would be agroforestry, agronomy, agrostology, animal production, pedology and rural economics. (The outline of the proposed Natural Resources Management Research Program is described in Annex 6). Appropriate Nigerien scientists would be seconded from thematic research programs for this work. The program would be managed by one of the speciallsts, selected on the basis of technical competence, width of scientific vision and management ability, supported by an International ezpert in agro-forestry/resource management (Annez 13).
3.26 The department for the Natural Resources Management (NRM) research program would combine research projects for erosion control, soil and water conseryation, and fertilizer trials with particular emphasis on the interactions between moi8turę availability and the type, timing and economically profitable levels of fertilizer (including rock-phosphates) for different crops and cropping systems. Research on tillage and agricultural mechanlzatlon (including appropriate hand tools and animal-drawn eąuipment) would promote morę productive farming techniąues. Research on animal traction as a means to integrate livestock into agriculture would be undertaken, with motorized mechanization receiving Iow priority. The goal of the agroforestry research project would be to develop effective systems of agroforestry (association of trees with crops and livestock) through testing arrangements of different species. Research themes supported under the agroforestry research project would includes inventory, protection and improvement of forestry genetic resources; sylvicultural management of naturally occurring forest formations; sylvicultural practices applicable to plantations; entomology and pathology of woody species; and use of forestry products.
3*27 The proposed project would provide funda for stengthening the program as foliowat during four years of the project, the NRM Department Director would be assisted by an internationally recruited Agroforester, who would assess ongoing programs and help the team in further defining research