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resource use and crop and livestock productivity by teatlng and developing lmproved land, water, crop, livestock and forestry management practices. The morę efficient ezchange of Information with ;egional and International research center8 and ixnproved access to up-to-Jatę Information by reeearch and eztension services as well as by producers, would all contribute to a better appreciation of environmental constrainte and potentials, and to morę informed use of physical and human resources.
A. Organization and Management
(cf. IMRAH Organizational Chart. Annez 8)
4.01 General. The Director General of INRAN muld have overall responsibility for project implementation. He would* (a) report to the Management Councll (Consell d* Administration) on the orientation and management of the Institute (including policy, administration and finance); and (b) be advised by the Scientific Commlttee (Consell Scientifigue) on the major scientific orientation of INRAN, as well as the development of the in8titution, the ezteraal scientific linkages and the training of researchers. Two ad-hoc advisory groups, namely the Donor Consultative Group (GCBF) and tka National Commlttee on Research Programs, will also advise the Director General on research strategy, evaluation of results, and resource allocation. The Office of the Director General would be further strengthened by two Directorates*
(a) the Administration and Finance Directorate (Direction Administrative et Financl&re) at Niamey; and
(b) the Scientific Directorate (Direction Scientifique) at Kolio.
4.02 The Administration and Finance Director would be responsible for the administration, the setting-up and the implementation of the financial management system and the day-to-day financial management, including the preparation of the annual draft budget and regular financial reports; he will be assisted by (i) a Personnel Officer, and (ii) a Materiał Resource Officer responsible for acquisition and maintenance of all materiał resources of the Institute, including those of the research stations. The Materiał Resource Officer, for the first four years of the project, would work under the periodical guidance of the internationally recruited Senior Project Engineer Consultant (para. 3.35) and receive on-the-Job training in all aspects of goods, works and senrices procurement. Assurances were obtained at negotiations (para 6.01) that: (i) not later than four months after the Datę of the Credit Agreement, INRAN has taken steps to recruit a Research Management Consultant; (ii) any increase in research and administratiwe Staff would have to be justified by a Manpower Development Plan (to be prepared during the first year of the project) and funding of any new position would have to be provided by the government budget and; (iii) INRAN would not increase the number of its agreed upon research programs unless complete financing was available and that program did not require additional Staff and that that program was deemed to be of high priority.
4.03 The Scientific Director would be assisted by a Study, Programs, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Training Division (DEPSEF) and a Yalorization