—    #    S**day. October «. łt/4 ToncsN+wt. fmm Fali*. 144

Comstock generals Yandals past ISU 28-9

rOCATKlJX) — 7V Idaho anothcr .'mkKJctut. on their .—u    rynnu n-iiirwk

VaiMfcil$*lun« IdahoStaleullh • ihlrt połicafon bu: Ibcfi ISU.    nia« iń

?£tS£ Z>u\ 'SfiEi ISU? S «SŁŁ

incn mniifcd out n rom Nd Ikllar. ycadicd and Ulroueh a.4. i^n

Irtw fourth flwartcr wcrc^ - tbo* mttdfc"quirtro~pła>ed    ---------

•16 pod a 3«* Wtóry Satarday Idaho o! kast Mcnly. nl*hl ^    ‘Hw łktigal* px boek Into

• *M nuirkcd tho Imt uki eter ihc Kamę uHh a Prociu *19-yord

and rrplk-d wtth a dhvr from    U <~t lo Ihc 40yard llne.

Us own cłRhl-yafd fleki pal lo A 15-yard roughing pcnalty gct ISU on Ihc tioard    gavt Idaho a rtnrt down ihcrc

moro Ud - -and thc-Yandalt quicfcty nu»\d

for (Br Yandal* In ihc "Mhitdoinc ond pi* Idaho ll* ••flnl vl<iory Iw four otfinp*. •Idaho Siatę nh.nochcd lis iccond loss In thfffc trio T-'Tbc aa mc was only scomd' • oSd uheo Da\t ComMock. . Idaho quartert>ack plav Ing In Uri* homo lown. flrrd o bomb to Coflk* Mxt who Kprtnlcd In coslly for a 74-yard *cotin# p3av The Vam)al» added

drhc In ihc Uilrd rjuortcr and II approred (rem Ihc cnthuslMOi gcncroilng on ihc ISU aide a rncc lo the wirc młght lac In storę.

8* Comstock. rcmctnbcrinK a 31-7 drubblng onthŁsficłd two >*cars ago on rrgSwinl TV. then KU Ided the Yandal* 80 yard* tor a dlnchlng loucbdown. On Its ncxt poMcaaton. Idaho wen! lor ri* finał wrr as Ihc second

Idahos opetring homh camc after Mack had run the kickoff m ihc Yandals 26.

The teams then eschanged punts uslh Idaho uneolllng a 74* yard march The big ploy. was a 71 • yard rrrerse run by Mack. wtikti Cook the Vondals off a u9 and nJne hook and poi the boli on the IS-yard llne. Two plays Lat er Mark Frtd back drovc up the middJe lo scorc (rom the • 12. Stcvc Tonner bu*cd all four coo-verslons

Idaho Stale then steadted

lale M the holf movlng (rom |ts own 49 to Ihc Idaho State sevcn. I!ut Tonner** fleki go*] attempt was wlde lo Ihc rifiht.

Idaho State wockcd a second-half oprning bomb to Che Idaho 47 Iwt a pena!ty kilkd ony morc pcnęlrollon and. altcr iwo fir*! dcwn^ ldaho had lo punl.

Prom Us own 30 Idaho State moYcd (o the Itfcho 30 ImjI on fourth and lwu YandaJ Mikę Siva mtcrceptcd a pass and ran

to ihc Bcngals II. Marshall Brani Icy and Kredhack gol most o( tho^c yanh Hut %nth sccond ond sevcn a! the II. Comsdock tried a pass whlch was ptckcd off by ISU s Wadę lilii ai Ihconc-foot lme.

Krom ihat Icnuoco posltkm. ISU slorlcd morchlng. Tony Monroe opcnlng wtih o ts- yard bum Monroe added II morv

!anb on the graund and Tom loffman

ca uch*, a a-yard


On Ihc f lr»t play of Ihc fourth

» , # • •

Boise State rips Reno 36-10

; *

IIOISE lUPIi - Boise Sutc‘t Jim McMHIan rflfled four louchdown Mrlkcs lwtóre Irasing mkhroy In the Ihlrd quartcr to kod hU teammotes •Ui..u 30*16 win ovcr the ?UiUvcrsUy of^ Ncvoda*ltcno


lou^down bcforc Ihc finał Kun.

The vktor> garc naiłonally thirdmnked BSU Its fourth coruccuUhc win of the >*car. The NcYodft Woli Pack U 32 for Ihcscaion.

period. Kcvm Crocfcrr caughi on IS-yard pu\% lo Ihc UJ;»h» Iwo and on ihc ncal play CM Aahton wenlln. A lun putni lr> falkd. kdving the senre al 147 Prom ihcin on Comu«*k» mnvcd ccntcrsta>jc llrworked the opUo«i wvll. kccpkig lor

limes for *r. >vars and gc-lian: 29 (rom Ilranclry on |»Ut h.^ IIU ISU slartcd MlflcnmK after u fint down al Ita lmar    a

wawi l unlll łotirlh jnd k-vs Ihan one lh.ii Tom^loik socakcd hnnH'

Thrcc pla>> laltT Idiho State

hnd pul and liallntk and hS unM IitmuhM tłu- VuimU»I> rluht hi»ck. Mnok- Nash nnd Ilon lXan dni IIm* r nnnioc nnd Kirtr IhnnK camdM twn pavscv l« pul the ImH 00 ihr ir. luikcfc kcjit <m un «iitKtfi and nM In Crom Ihcfr


For huntiog. bshlng. hlking. cimpłno. lhev »o «ha mon comtonably fuppad aH-aiouno sportt boot anybody has corre up wifh ytt. Com# sco us-wtl Show you why.





aTaturdav nłohl.

i    %0

• Reserye ąuartcrlwick lec Jtucy kept the Broncos' atlaek

3,PXC aAWnR ortc

MeMHIao hU 14 of 23 Ol* (empts for o total of 317 yords licforc Coach Tony Knap rrplarcd Wm wtlh llucy. Ile

pkkcd up anothcr II yords runnlng

Boise scored flrst wllh 10:27 kfl In the flrst ąuarter en an lO yard strfkc Irom McMillan lo halfbock John Smith. The Broncos' offense stuttered untll młdway In the sccojd quartcr. but thcrc tlght defeme kept Reno frem ony scrlous scorlng threats thmughoul the gamę.

Wolf Pack quarterhack Jarii Pishcr scorcd on an of Mac kle kceper ploy latc In Ihc Ihlrd ąuarter ond fUttbaefc Sam Yaiono scorcd on an end sweep with 1:02 len In Ihc gamo. Charllc Lee plekcd up the other thrre oolnts wflh a

Hcld rooJ early in the same period.

Boisc*s promlslng top ho morc wldc rccelccr Terry Ifutt ond fuli back Chester Cray l«oth sufferrd Injurles and arc espccted lo h c oul of aclton for Ihc scawm.

Sauk Cards and Charge Accounts Welcome


Downtown & Lynwood TWIN FALLS

Texas Tech nips Oklahoma St.

•    LUB BOCK. Te*. cUPIi -fophomorc (|uartcrhock Tom my DunWrn led Ihc (cvef2h-rankcd Tcxas Tech Red Koldrrs to Iwo ąułck second ąuarter touchdowm lo •beat I9th*ranked Oklahoma $totc 14-13 Soi urdn,v nfjtht.

#    Dunhren Ihrew 16 yords lo flnrkcr Lzrry Williams for one and lallback l-arr> Issac dashod the finał yard of o Anothcr sccrlng dr1vc as Ihc (toiJcrscamc from hehlnd

} The Cowboy* scorcd flrst on *a ’43yard galtop hy quor-<crback Charllc Wcalhcrhk 4nd added a two*yard Mas! by balfback Skip Taylor lo lirliig Oklahoma State wfihln a polni

wllh olnc r.H kfl In the thlrd ąpjarlcr

The finał tyaarlcr lumcd tnlo a defens. ve battk as cach leam struggkd lo gei an offcmive driYcgotng.

Wllh l# seconds remalnlng Oklohoma State*s Ałriiy Dalglc tried a th-yard fldd goal lwi the łwill fell short and Tc*as Tech toak ovcr wllh thrre seconds lefl.

The vicfory lefl Tcxos Tech wllh a 3^-1 record (cc the scason and dropped Oklahoma State io2-2 for the >ear.

The win was alio the mnth urolghł homo vktory for the Rotders and their Uth wm In a row. TcjtasTcch was Ikd m the

second gamę of the scason by NcwMcsleo.

Uaac Hnlshcd os the leadlrg rusher for Tcjcos Tech. nett Ing 59 yords on 24 carrlcs Oklahoma Siatę fullhsck George Palmcr was Ihc gamc‘s top ikollcamer net ling 144 yard*on IGtrtcs

Dunl vcn hll f lvc of 12 passses for S3 yaids ond the go ahead louchdown ond had only one Intcrccptlon Oklahoma Siole falkd lo complrtc a pass ln 10 oUcmptk.

* * Oklahoma Siole * finlshcd with 289 yords tofal offense -all on Ihc ground—wtikłc Te*as Tech nellcd 1« yords. S3 on passłng ond 139on Ihc gmund.

tJCLA running gamę beats Utah

.T LAKĘ CITY .UPIi-UCU\. fthul the atr. lumcd on ks gamę with two TOs i*Car1 Żaby and anothcr Russel Charles for a 27*14 wdS ow Utah Soturdoy nlghl S tłk Ute defense keytd on l^Jimterciuarterłióck-Jćhn' SchTTo. ItmUlnghlmloJust sli óonplctlons In Ihc gamc Dul iht|)n the fint ąuarter Sciarra (llsf{łvcrcd the Utes were Yułnwable lo the swrep ond tbmed hts running hock* loo*e f^r>77yards.

J Zf b> * scoring runs camc on *wms around lefl end from 10 and thrre yords out. Charles, the! górne’* Icadlng rusher. ^rrit In from the scvcn to gtvc IfCLA o 17-0 lead early k the tnlfd quarter.

| The Brulns’ other polnu en field goalsof 41 and 31 by Brett WhHe. Ile also thrre cxtra point*

ULalTs flrst scorr camc on w fiat oppeared to be o tur-novcr. Don Payne threw a 13 yud paulo end Dtcfc Graham. . Mc was Wt immcdtotcly. Ihc boli pepped in the alr. ond Roosevrtl Hutchin* cought It on o dcad run -nd wmt 23 morc ‘ yard* fer the scorc7

Mutchln* olw> scortd the only other td. Uiaft on a 6! yard run wllh 3:39 to go ki the gamo.

UCLAs flrst holf mrę* urre hołh set up on o pa Ir of longrum. .

AR er the Utah defense hcld the Bmias without a flrst down und! the (mai Iwo minuto of the flnl ąuarter. hallback Russel Charles broke off right lackie for 42 yards. His scampcr pat the Bmin* on the Ute 333 and Żaby carried ovcr from thelOJust kito the second ąuarter.

Mldway through the quarter. Wcndell Tyler swcnt lefl end

for 43 yard*, to Ihc Utah 10. A pcnalty ind the Utah defense kepi the Brulns from Crossing the goollne and White kickcd a 32yord flcldgoaJ Utah mounted thrre dri vcs In the flrst half but failed to get IrukScthcUCLAW The flrst tlmcUloh had the bali ihcy movcd lo the Brulns* 24 uherr a pcnalty klllcd them A fumhle ended a second drive ot the 38 ond Kent Pearcc plekcd off o pass ot the Bruln 30.

White. tried • 41-yard field goal with sevcn seconds lefl in the holf but was wldc and w hen UUh took óvcr łt lookcd llkc they scortd on the ncxt play when fullback Stert Mart owo broke through the llne and roerd 52 yanls heforr helng nmdown.

UCLA la naw 2-M wtilk the Utes dropped their thlrd gamę of the scason.


I *



• It

oa». it. +*+* VM».vmł

“f'Penn State

•    *l

1 • «

•    -1

ędpes Army

Badgers rip Missouri

MADISON. Wis. lUPIl — Włsconsln scortd nJne of the flrst io_timcs.»t got ibc.baii. start Ing out wllh an fll-yard run by flashy BlL)r Morek on the flrst play of the gamę. and stunned lOh-rankcd Missouri 59*20 Saturday.

Morek, on all Big Ten halfbock. scorcd thrre limes oithough be pioyrd only holf the gomc. l^ury Ca nada and Mlkc Morgan both scorcd twicr as Wlsconsin ren up 11* aro—m—yenr* In

•    I

1 t

•    «

WEST POJOT.Ń.Y. lUPli-Randy SkSar, a froshmon tlght end playtng only becouse of an Injury lo Dtn Nolole. caught on 15-yard pas* lor the gó* ahead loucbdosnt-wUh-55 seconds kfl In the flrst holf Saturday lo hefp Penn State, a atusnbhrg glant. dcfcot Army. 21-14.

winnlng Its ihlrd gamc In four trtes Ihłs scason

Missouri, now 2 Ł was In Ihc gamc only bricfly. rockcting back lor a 7*7 (k after Marek’* elcct/ifylng run-with a 77-yórd march cappcd by flay Smith** cne yard plunge.

But back camc the Bodgers. on o 77-yord drtvc of Its own. as Marek shot Into the end ronc Irom two yard* out with 1:37 lefl k> the flrst ęunrter. The rout was “On "0r*T"Mlssouri. whlch upsei slxth ronkcd Artiono a werk ago. 9C. didn*t seorr agaln untll the flnol quarter.

- Morek ruihcd lot 120 yard*. Wisconsln ąusrlcrtock Gregg Bohlig complelrd all cight possci hc threw bcforc bclng uken out In Ihc thlrd rpoarter.


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