^ - - — 1/
Tom Baird, Twla Falb: "I think prcservitl«n of the environment. , The cnvironment in Idaho b a big rosource and lt*s one of the fcw pla ces left that there is thb amount of eneironment... U’a Just a rcsourcc we havc to
KathyNoh, KImberly: "I think wc‘ve got to find a workable balonee. Ifs not un cither-or proposltlon. We can havc a clcan eneironment and o productivc economy without scrious conflicts by plnnning and utłlizlng availablc tcchnology."
Ronda Robertson, Twin Palb: "As far as the powor plant b conccmcd, I thlnk they know what they arc do Ing. The pcoplc who arc complainuig now about U arc the firsl ones who arc golng to be complolnlng when we don't harc cnough electricily.
"In generał they should compromlse (bctwccn ehorgy and the environment) U they can."
Ted NnsmatHi, Twln Fnlls: 'Tm afraid wc’rc golng to havc to havc morc produclłvlly, !*d rnthcr . stress the cnvironment and kccp morc pcoplc out or Idaho. Just the wuy the populotlon ls inert asing in the stale — we’rc golng to hnvc to mcct the nccds of thosc other pcoplc. I think wc‘rc foolish to think we‘II be ablc to do with what we hnvc now......*
Randy Hall, Shoshonc:
‘'Prcscrvc the cnvironmcnt, dcflnitcly.
‘if we don‘t — H it kccps going nn llkc U ls, kecps gctpnR" industrlnlizcd — it might ruin the United States. As todny\s gOYcrnmcnt stnnds we donT havc much choice as to whut happens rcnlty."'
* -ł
MIUs Ncwbcrry, South Windsor, Coan.: "WcYc fnirly fnmiliar with northem Idaho. Ccrtainly up Iń Umt scction there should be great cfforl to prpscrvd'thot1)couty/ - -“Thcspaccyou have out herc and the łąck of population bstartling but a relief."
John Yasaftis, Twln Folb: "Both. Both of them ure Important and our considcration should be givcn to eąch. We should huvc morc atomie power instend of building morę dums. Thcy'rc doing so wcU, without any accidents. ThcyYc safc. I don’t know about the expcnsc — muybc thcy'rc too expcnsivc.”
Mrs. Ross G. Ward, Twln Fnlb: “I wonder If we couldn't havc a little of both. I think we necd to suve our cnvłronmcnt — flnc. Bul I do think that
Iduho--n ceds—to-- expand-
man ufacturlng — something to kecp our young pcoplc In the State. l’vc cducated threo kids through college and thcy‘voallIefl Idaho.
7 Tlmes-News, Twln Folii. Idaho Sundny. Oclober 6. \974