Clamor to guard Tahoe grows

Oc^ot*' «. Hf4

Tłftv*vNows. T«r«n r«as, |<Joho 5


Another vi

By MURRAY OLDERMAN TAIIOK CITY. OIII iNEAl - It l*‘7S młU-K of predous shnrr llnc. rdk*ciid in the ghmmen of one <4 the . hlue*ł lako In the world.. ... l*rectoin In thi* fnigłllly of it% i*nvtronmrtd. encruxhcd upon tty modem kx>»«Kł:o^v and the wastc* II dcposNs^n^cInus as a rvilur.il attraetton In tlw hłgbcsł. pmrstuddcd center of the Sierra N*rviida rangę, magnctiilng hordes of humans

Anf »o Ihcre bas Um In the last dceosde a ciamor lo presen-e threatened I.akc Tahoe. on lwie uhlch tran-scend% the InCennts of the two States. Csllfomla and Ncv oda. Hhkh share Its amMence. bgęgfe there ore natlonal envlmcmertal IrrplicaUofti The Tahoe nnvin. just llke the Evcrsdadcs of Flor Ida or cren the Crsnd Canyon ot Arliofui. tso rarecommodlty Nbr on the toufh shorc of the lakc ioom slalts ot coneretc aod Steel hot€i% rtslng atn>vc the feathead płnes "hlch sweep off the short*. and lichlnd them nrc Ihc vfslble Y-pronged sc ars of a sfcl arra learlng on In-dcl Uitc tal too on the mountoln l( took lUohsrd HeUkaS "He one and a holf hour* on one summer. momlng to get through Statdlnt. the Nevoda border communlly wblch caters to gomWing and prollfcratlon o4 high rtse siricturts

•*It‘s a mHcrablc inctó.” States llelkko. "thosc *lx biocksof Statclme IfcMcka shotfd be quallfkd to make ihot ossessment. Ile * the esccuthę ofllcer of the Tahoe Rcglonai Ptonnkng Agene>- iTRPAi. a bi-siate aulhoriiy consened In 1970 lo plot and guide and ki somc way* adminlrirr the futurę of the Kreator Lakc Tahoe Basta Alrcody 4S.OOO automoiiltes a day slrram doun owr Echo SummU from CalJfomla and spili out of the Canon Yallcy ta Ncvada to Inundalc the Southern endof the lakę. "herc all the • actton** to *’lt's the auhH that plaguc us." says HełkM it lokcs 170 Mjuare fcct of osphalt Jusl for that auto to park and :tS0 morc fcct to bac* U out. The automobile* use up the en-vtronment of Tahoe."

Hcikka is fell ofturcaucrat łc facU and figurę*. The Tahoe bnsln. "hlch now caters lo 150.000 populalion.- both —d-pemuncig.Tan

<Edltor*a noto:    Mor ton

Calhrn. travd wnicr for the OoMa/d. Callf.. Tribunc. hos glven the Tlme^New* per-rolskon to reprint thb coł umn. wrltten followlng Bvel KtJcytFi JNap In September.

MA* Usc papers lrovel colunrJst lor a year*. I have •cen a lot of the world. But as U obvloui from Ihc endoaed. I have • ąecisJ place In my heart lor Twtn. Hope the magie has relumed to the Magie Yalley." Cathro wTOte. >

I lud ’}ust flnlshcd mowtag the lawn la&t &*>do> wtwi the news bJklta ca mc ovcr the radio.

Tl* smcll of frc*h-cut grw froro my bockyard and tho na mc ot that rcmocc littk lown c«ł»irgovcr the alrwaves sent mc hack In mcmory 1S >earx.

And Ithougbt ©f hlnj..

As o young łccn-agrr I had taken my llrsl trlp away from home and roi the trnrcl hug but good It was only port of o summrr tpept In the Magie Vattcy. But U fcikpduced me to the slghts and sounda. and smeJłt tratę!, to a fanńriiy town wito a *wcet-*oyndlng namc. to the grand adverTTtsm. of mc rety betng wmcplacc ckc : .. .

.-V*-’- V- ••

!t al»o tolrorfuced mc to the wid of pcoplc *ho werk hord foroIMng.

So lott Sunday I thougfit of hlm lumlng over In his gr;»vc on that gra&sy knoll oubkJc of to*n. ałghtag pcrtiap*. and mjytc chuckJtag a hit at the tunacyoOt ah.

Thcy had dammed tho łowna twbttag. chuming rker In the flrst decadc of thtt erntury lo irrtgatc the descrl. He. a young fmmlgrant fresh from Scotland, hackcd a smali farm eut of the *agebruah and. logcther "ith other hardy ptonccrs. evcntuolly tran*-formed the raw land into the lush Magle Valtcy.

Thcy uerted IR-hour days. and their swcał irrigated the land. too.*

The lown and the Magie Yalley ncver bccomc a tourltf mccca. allhough thcy wtre to be the gatewny lo one — Sun Valiey. the West a firsl htg resort <Last Sunday the town had morę "Uwrista" In one day than It normally gett In mceths )

.. II dd bccomc. howcYtf. a mccca of icfts for there who chcmhcd the good llfe that comes from honest lott. elean JtYtag. and gMnft your fdlow* mana fair thakc.

There were leon year* when crops fafled. and good >e*r*. too. "hen hc won honor* for productag a hlghcr yldd per acrc than any other farmer In the stale.

Ile conncd the carth Into groulng Ihlngs for hlm

Ile ond his farnHy gol u? ot 4 cvcry momlng. moYlng qulct)y oliout their chorcs so as not to walce their losy hoaseguest. Ile camc In from the field* ot noon for dlnncr. Ihen went back lo uork untlf npper tlme A glancc through the circning pnper or a brlcf program on the radio, and he «i» bark ,o'jtsldc lo free elogged Irrlgatlon cttchcs or mend fcncc* untłldork.

I tried lo help hlm pilch hoy one hot sommer day and lasicd all of a half-hour. A rcal city boy vm |. •

Wet!, hc "orfccd hard afl hts llfe. and gradually bulli his orłglnal 10 a era into 240 bcforc ho diod. Hc drovc a baltcrcd' Chcvy. not a goldplaicd Cadillac Ile uorc no dlomond rlngs. hut Id the car ty momlng sun. dancing on the dew ot a leaf. g, ve hł* llfe sparklc.

Mc sa\td cnough. In the cod. to send his son lo ccAcgc and to tukc a cnjiie lo Ilau-aU on the

Lurilne (he was seaslck all the way) and to make a sen-U mc ni ol )oumc>* r>«ck to Scotland, whcrc he bought o blggcr hcodstonc for his porenls' gra>a Last Sunday my backyard graiji for *"a " moment * was redolent ot newmoun hay from that summer on the farm so Song ago But U bothcrrd mc that his lit Dc lown and my very fint travd desllnauon-o to*n hcretoforc unknown bcyood lis State border — suddcnly was a nnmc broadcast around Ihc "txid as the Miting for a v%olrd stunl so completely out of charactcr ullh It.

And so for both of us. I rcscnlcd the Idea that a pompous ••plonccr'* named Evct Knłcvcł. by parochu!Ing from an InfemaJ machinę as It fell Into the Snake Rlwer Car.yon. pot TVrln PolU. Idaho, on the map *hBc connłng SC młlltonout of the publkr.

* I knew bcltcr.

tn their own unspcctacolar way. the rcal. unpretcntlous płoncers llke my onde. Davc Calhro. *ho conncd only the soli. king ogo had put T"in Palls on the map — and In the hcart — of America.

achicve.a popufation lcvcf.of..

300.000    wtthout dcstroylng the quallty of bvtag. iOf thaL

50.000    will be >ear-round raidents ta the ma>or conv munltle* of South Lakc Tahoe. Tahoe City and Incline VUIagc »

__Tbey * W nest on onlyJ5 per:—

cent of the basta -"hlch Is urbanUcd" The TRPA has alrcody put a lii?* linę on cjcpondlng oul toto the E3 per cent "hlch is udderress

Tahoe topogrophically łs a dcllcate jut mg of cralvc rock al most rtght out of the "Oter and when ihc surfact Is cx-poscd by man‘s "ock. po" dery silt runs demu Infto the lakę and threatens tostrangfe It.

Bccausc other poHutants "tre bulldlng o dangerous nmount of algac. icwagc Is now piped out over the surroundlog ranges away from the lakc.

• The bal tle lo «ve the quallty of the lakc ls. a stand-off. " says Chapman Went-worth. a longbme JournalIst "ho hos ltvcd on ihc north shore for 12 ycars. "The sewoge problem b soHed. Brooion ond sHUOm Is what thcy foce. Alio occasional alr poCutlon.

•The ćetnger b that Tahoe'

*111 lic urtuinlnd to a p^lnt "henr M "on*t hc o pk-a^nl ploce lo ląr.-Souih l^kc Toł**-I* ticyood soi Ing M>- "gulmi: unpaw the ro*U."

_.Tbc-lhougM isn*Ł cntirrly

faeeltouN.    ^

The mnsl r\wit dash of i*nvlronmenlallxls vcrius developcrx lnvolves the proponuj eor.d ruct len M tuti morę high rtse codnn hotelv on the Nesroda Mdc In tlić Statelbir aren One wnuki lnvoi\*c 503 room*. Ihc other 9C0. Thcy recehed the *p-provol of the TRPA hccause of a rldlculous tndhnd of dual mii Jo rlty votc — the agency has o rivc-fnofl Collfornia hoard and o flvc>nan Nevodo Ijnord and both rr.ust agrec to stop any dcvcłopmcnl So allhough the total Wit ogatnst the hoteli was 7-3 iCatifomia k flvc men unanlmously agolnsti. . for the Ncvoda majority for the projcd ruled

The state of Callforma promptly tnstituicd legat *c-tlon to stop construcUon Ikikka. "ho strcnuousiy op-poscd the hotcb hlmsdf. <s in tl»c stronge posltion of tx*lng o defendant ogaimt Califomio** suit. Hc poinls out tho t"e hofels plus the ontldpolcd enlargcmmt of another will odd 7.000 permanenl employes to the basta.

I"Whcrc the hdl you gonna put'cm?** he osks. "I "ouldni bo surpriscd to sce i Supremo Court Justkei William O. Douglas step in wlth a rcstralolngorder -

Mcanuhilc Nr. ad a gamlng pcoplc push hard for further dcvclopmcnt of their lucratUe lndustry ta their concenlralcd corner of the lakc. to >li!cgottons thcy bavc Hlndcr* on.

**Thc> can tefl you what per cent of their moory the pcoplc will ko\e u-hen >ou gd them through the dnors." says Hclkko. --hut no! how lo get them through thedsont."

The csltftag communlllc* do have a sensc of rapprocbcmcnl "llh their be aut if ul nlchc of naturę. Soulh Lakc Tahoe. slecpy vll!age a dozen y*-on ago now hosUtng wlth growth. has remeved blllhoards and plll*2ftaUlea underground to cl ci n up ihc Cone>* lalord look. Tahoe Cltynerou the lakc is wot king on elegant futurę design* for tu waterfront. wilh the planntag aid ot the TRPA.

The conccm "1lh cnvlron-men? docs crcatc a conjunctlvc -pnjbtcnr

drlim -ip-bccauto-o.'- tho llmltcd land so that the Tahoe basta is becomtag a com munlty of tent* and mllilonolrts. Mr. Avcrage Cuy brlngs ta hb tent on weekend* bccausc it’s the only way hc eon afford to como there: 9ou'vo    io bcrtch to afford a

permanenl InslaJIrtlon.

And what land rcmolns can fali prey to the unoonsclonablc dcyciopcr. The oonnotatlon •derdoper* U ehły sllghtly morę occeptablc lodolty than embetzJer,*4 says R.T. Nahas. ••ond ihen ordy providlng the embczzlcr falls tocarry off his nefartaas schcme* wlth Myte."

Nahas It. unique!y. a deweloper, wbose groclous Rocky Ridge coodomlnium projcct mertooks a promon too* (Wth of Tahoe City. and he I* conccmcd that hts eon-freres show responsłbillty.

•The man mak tog the finał decision* that matcrlally af-fcct our JiYtog emrironmcr.L for good or Ul." he contłnues. "comes equlppcd only wlth moncy and the dctlrc Co dcvełop the land."

The dlreccion of the dcvclopment In the Tahoe basin Is "bat the currenl conccm is all about ^

(Newspoper Enlerprtac Aon. >


Cross becomes rictory symbol

FUSltor. Time* New*:

Mby I pk-asc try to clnrlfy a polni? Darid Hoppe. m hk rrccig Mitr to the Times-News. Indicaidf a cjtinnmi o* to how tho crois lwami- a rellctaussymiiAl Happe sald In hH kiler. "The cross was thr peopte'% way of putllng Jesus to dc.ilh " Ile asked haw an otijcel uscd to pul a pcrvui to dcoth could l*«come M»ch a nrllglous oliject To the Chrutian. the cmx> k a rlciory symloL Itad Jesus not been put to dealb im the eros*, our chance* of gett Ing lo hęavcn would hosr łwen nlt Tn

a Christian, the erom sym-

hoRtc* the recpcning of the

gale* of lwami after .ULim and Evc stnrcd So the nest tlme ynu hv a crow.rrmcmłer that il .le*u\ had not dled for aur *lit*. ur utmld all get "bat ucdc*revr I kmtYer. slncc Jcu» <fd dje fur our *tns. "v all ha\t a - chaoce In get to hcavcn .. all . wchowlodoh JcceptChrfet.

Sec "bat I mcan by tac eros* beto* o rtetory symlml to a Chmtłon? t *ay. ketę the cmi* up at Shn\hoec PaJK KEIJ.Y KLAAS T"taPaiK

Some campers’ acts . give all bad name

(The folloulng leitiT "*as sent to Ihc dlMrlel ranger. HU terroot National Forcsl. IlamMton. Mont.»

Edltor. Times- Ncus:

Dr ar Sir:

Rcccntly. 1 spmt a moM enJoyoMe len day* of tuinlfng tn the Sctway-BItterroot Wttdemeat Arta. My partner and I were ta a camp mrrved by the Ken Wolfłnhorgcr* ncar Cardłner Lookout ot the epenlng of Ihc corty clk *ea*on Srpt. 14.

It h dlfflcult for mc to desenbe our plcasurc al havtag had the prtvilcgv of spendlng tlme In thts hcautlful. prlttlne "lldemcss. and our plcasurc. .was . enhanerd hy havlng had 100 pcrcenl wccns on our bunt. Only one th!ng marrtd our stoy ta ihc wlldemcss.

During the opcnfng day of hunttag. we happened on scveral members of a bunt Ing party of clghl men "ho told us thcy were camped al the big camp ot (ho head ot Bad Łuck

I hol thcy were the anty party at Bod Łuck.

Bccausc hoth my partnęr and I had fitlcd our eik tsgs wilh trophy huiU by Thursday. my "1fc to lakc the ttwr-nillc troił walk o\cr lo the comp at Bod Lock on Frtday. Sept. 20. We lud ncver secn the camp and spring there before.

We rcachrd the camp about noon that day toccndlng to have o trafi lunch before rrtumlpg to our Cardtacr LO. comp. We were appollcd at the slgh? that grtetcdia.

The comp "is desetted ahd lefl bchlnd "*as onunbcfievahlc assortmenb* of fflth. All typa* of camp paraphemalla * in-dudtng plastlc. gas caris. bcYcrage cons and food "the stroni about. Sevcral roMCn clk hidc* "tre on the ground ln camp. an open lnvttatlon to the błow file* that now Irieatfd cvco*tbtag    % ,

A vcry cursory effort al covertng some et the garboge had bccn mado and rovcns hkd tom en cartons.: eona ano

— theB*

tow us tom egg •ero-from-T"ia_ Folii—pcrisbable.garbagc^cuLfrm_

Idahę. and that thcy had bcoughi thefr 'own stock tato the " lldemcss.

Thcy also sald that the>- "ere the only party camped at Bad Łuck Comp. Thcy told me that thcy had kiHcB a six-polnt buli ond Iwo spito-on * opentag momlng.

We "ere somcwtoi sur-pdsed to notc «i twa en-countcrs wlth members of thta group on oper. tog day that thcy vcry cosually deposllcd their bcYcrage cant ond other Ittlcr on the forcsl Ooor whercver thcy happened lo be. We took thb. however. as Jus! a typkaJ csomple of bad mannen and Ignortd H at the tlme.

Thb group stayed ta the "Udemess opporently untll Tbaday. Sept. 17. Thcy '•'tre the only porty we sow dsrtng our enure stoy. sowcha>eno reoson to doubt their tiotement

under perhtps to Inchof sofl..

Horses had bccn ailowcd lo grozę eveoa blade of grosa down and to befod the gprtng. WM really cannot deserlbe '' .the unspcokabfe deYistaUon lefl ta the "ake of the c*mp's


UnfortunatHy. »e had failód lo get the na mes of the ta-d(vlduals from tab porty and of course. dt> no! know If there b any way Hity can be csfkd to occount.    . ••

We woufd very much llke.to sec pcoplc. who show ,no respccl for the crralbo or wr the iMfla of their feBow nWn. barred from "lldemcss aresr »r If you eon suggest actions that we migW personoMy take to • sce thls rcalUed. we "oukfvbo • happy to hear from you.    "



Kennewtek. Wach.    •• %

A ihotifihr for loday

A thoughl for the day: American Cen. Douglas MocArthur sald. "It b fatol to enter any war wtthout the wtil lo wtn It."

Ford aides know solons



WASHINGTON - In surroundlng. hlmsclf wlth pcoplc he hos known ond trusicd sińce hb day* ta the lloutc of Rcprrscntat!vcf. Presidmt Ford b a&scmbll.ng the most congrcsslonally orlentcd group of Wbite liouic Staff and advlscr* alncc LyndM B. Johnson launchcd hb lr0slatlvc offenslYc* on CapUolItlll to year* ago.

The number of top Ford hands whose career* ore rooUd In Congms b steodMy growtag. In fort. some Capltot HIU fnends of the PresIdcM ha\e odvbcd hlm prtvale!y that he wwiłd óo well to scck a greater dlverslly of

One of Ford** chief advbm. cotmseUor Robert T. Ilort-mann. w«s Ford* top asslstant tn the Ifouae. Anolher eoun-wilcr. John O. Marsh Jr., b a former nutyer of Congreas . as b Ford** recently named chief 0( SUff. Donald M Rumsferd .

Ford hos hccn drawlng on Capital Hllt Ycterarw to fili o number of the Important lowercchclon Joba in his Wbite Housc.aswriL.

He has appotated Charles Ł Goodrtl. "ho ho* scrvcd ta both the Mouse and the Scnatc. os dtatrroaa ot hb dcmency boord. Paul A Theb. the long-tlme pubflc rclallons dirretor of the Rcpulillcan Congrcsslonat Campolgn Commlltae. has bccomc chief of Ford‘s spmh"Tlttng teom.

Many of lhotc lo whom Ford also IHiena, bul who have no! bccn named to permonent Wbite Home posillorvs. oiio hove congrcaslonal backgroundi

„ ThcKJndudcJocmcr-Rcp_

Bema R. Loird. Rwis. •*. long-lłmc tnllmotc who reportecCy led tho effort to persaadc Ford lo oppoinl Nelson A Rockefeller as v!ce piWdcnt; Rep. Albert If. Qulo, R-Mton. tang a doac odviscr to Ford. partlcularly on educallonaJ matlcrs: John W.

Bymes. n Wbconsln Mouse member "ho rttlred in 1973 after bccomlng nn Influcntlal RcpuUican member of the Ways and Mcan* Com mit t cc; ond former PcnrayWanla Cov William W. Scronton,*urhoaitec‘ scrvcd In Ihc Mouse and show Ford asked lo hdp struciure hb odmlnistrocion ond scoreh for ta^nl os part of the Preskłent s four-man tran-ailionteom

- When Ford geta around lo reshuming ihc Cablrrcl. pmbobly tarły nexl ycar. lhc%e men nrr ameng lhosc regnrdcd asllkclycandldalc*.

Jusf how the Prc%ident will usc hb grmrtng rescrvolr of congrcsslonally orlentcd lałem -when-lhe-Mth-Oorgre venc* nesl >rar b unccrtain

Ford lacks Rcpubllcan majorilies ta euher the Mouse or the Senate. and obseners nrc predlcllng Rcpuhtlcon -ero*łon m pelis’ chi* November. The only oucstkm ot thl* stor 1% Jusl how targe thosc losset "Rl be.

1974 Gubernatorial Race

6««t» at Siaka: 35 DEM.23 REP.12 \

A t A S K A



GOP hołd

on States may slip

REPUBUCAN Partia hołd on gavtmof* Office* may auffer further altrtOon ta » ełcdians next month. From 32 State cap: tali controtied ta the earty day* of (be Ntwn ad-mlnbtnLłcn. the GOP now boi da 11 and U of (bose are Lg> for etaction Nov. 1 Dcmocrata aay (lwy have a flghtlng chanoe or beftar to win to-dustrlal statee-whwthgy were shut out ta (be Uit lM0 a» Ir c lud Ing Massachusetts, Michigan. New Yoch- and Cal If orała. <UPI)


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