

In nexl dc. en 2. Skip 1 space) lwico •. rop from • to • kTOcino Rnd 21: • Oc In dc. 2 dc m next spaco ♦. rop from • lo • around Fasten ofi

Firn Lody. Hat: Witn red. rep Rnds 1-2 of Conior Roso (8 pętali madę) Fasten Oh. leo-nng a scwng length Work now progresses in rows Raw 3: Jan wh-io bet sny 2 pottls. ch i. te bet 2 petais. (ch 5, sc boi nart 2 petois) lwico, tum Row 4: Ocin fiest sc. lidem each ct now 2 loops. dc in Insi SC (24 dc), fum Row 5: Dc m

0    ach dc across. fum Row 6: Wim sl S1 skip tiisl 8 dc. dc «n centor 8 dc tum. l*av-mg last 8 dc unworkcd Row 7: Oc «1 each dc across (8 dc), tum Row 8: Oc W first dc (eh 1. dc in now dc) 7 limes (7 spoces mada), fum Row •: Dc m first dc. shetl m o ach speca across. dc m lest dc (7 shells mada), tum Rows 10-11: Ch 1 shoii m spaca ot esch shoil across (7 shells). fum Rows 12-13: Ch 3. shetl In spece ot fwsi sholi. (ch 2. shou m spaca

01    next sholi) 6 limes (7 sholls). fum. FasUtn Oli while Row 14: Joln groen in last dc mado .n last row. ch 3, sheii in space ol f«l Shell, (ch 2, sc in now ch-2 spaca. ch 2. she» in spaca ol nem sholi) 6 limes (7 shaCs). tum Faswn otl green Row 15: Jan wtula m last dc mada <n last row. ch 3. Shell -n hr« Shell, (ch 4. skip

2    loops. sheO m space ol nasi sheii) 6 limes (7 sholls). fum Row 18: Ch a sholi m spaca of tiret sholi. (ch 4. skip 1 toop. shatl in spece of nart sholi) 6 limes (7 shełs). swp i dc. dc m last dc Fasian oh

Sccond and Succasslvo Ladies (mąko 0) Work sama as First Lady Ihrough Row 16 Al and ol Row 16 sl M m top of ch-3 hjrnng loop ai beg ol Row 16 Of prowous Lady Elghth Lady: Row 16: Ch 3. sl st in łasi dc mada at and oI Row 16 ol F«r*l Lady. Shell n space of first shail. (ch 4. skip 1 loop. shen w spaca ot naw sheii) 6 limes, skip 1 dc. dc «n last dc. sl st in top ol ch-3 tuming loop at bag ot Row 16 et 7th Lady. thus foming Eighih Lady lo Fesl and 7łh Lady łorming a cuda ot 8 Ladies

Assambty: Pin wrong S'Oo of Lady on fop ol nghl s<de ot Oaly. posnoang top 2 potnls of Lady's Hat ai center lop of 6-dc gioup markod In Rnd 15 ot Cody Rop lor •ach Lady oround Uslng rod oewmg length on Hat. sew each Hat m place around Do*y Wch wnoe. sew base ot Row 6 o* each Lady lo edgo cI Doiły

Border. Rnd 1: Wllh nghl stde loc-ng. toin red in space ol thefl lo iha left ot the lunetion ot two skirts. • (sholi In space ot shea. ch a sc in new loop, ch 3) 6 wnoś. sheii m spocą ol new she*. ch 3. sc in

Novembet, 1993



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