
-----BOB^OPE~JoW^r«i^róaSy:“Pcifrl imdUla Friends" Wcdncśaoy. OcCu on tKc

Cm«/i ntfltltf ■■ o    Balley and Sondy Duncon (Icft (o rlght) on    CBS TcJcvlslon NetWork.

***&*“&    •****■    .    the musical -comcdy speciol "Bing Crosby

Tuesday television Schedule

On .channcls 2sl.?l>.8 ul 7:30 p,m. — Mowie: ••Where Ha w all Ihc -PcoplO'-Conc?,,'-Pcler-Grawcs sturs In (his 1974 TV-inovlc as a survlvor In. on ecrlc world. aUer n nuclcnr cxptuslon. where lear and survivuJ aro ol>sosslons.

Ewcning 6:00 •

2sl.4sl.5 — News

2I>.3 — Trulh or Con-



•_>sl.4sl, G — News

2h. :i — Trulh or Con-


4h. 13 — Electric Company t»ii— High Cliapur rui 7I> — ToTell the Trulh 8 — Parł rltlgc Family 11 — Tliafś My Mama 6:30

2I» — Pcoples Press Con-fercncc

3 — Good Times

4sl Trulh or Con-


4b. 13 — Movle — Drama ••Boomernng.** il947i Arthur Kennedy słnrs In lhis.rcalislic accouni of n —man ..on trłal for murder. Dano -Andrews. Lee J. Cobb

, 5.7b. 8 — Prlce Is Righi "• 7sl— 2oom

—11—Mowie Drama----

"Łąćlisls" <1974> Ilon Howard. Ben Johnson 7:00

2sl, 7b. 8 — Llttlc House on thePralrtc ,

2b—Sons and Daufhtcrs 4sl. 6n — Thafs My Mama — Comcdy

3 — Bing Crosby and His

Wednesday television


Wednesday Oclobcr 9

On ehnunel II nt l»:3ti p.rn. — Movle: "l.ocu.sts" Kon. Howard as a youlh who nceds to pn»ve he łs a man durniu « thrcatenlng In-vaslon of wegelutkm eallng liests. A 1974 madę lor Tymowie.


41). 13 — Electric Company Cn — II ighClKiparr.il Tb —To Tell the Trufli *

8 — Purtrfdge Family 11—Happy Days 6:30

2ł» _ Polony Sqund 3 — M*A«S*II*

4sl — Trulh or Con-



S.7b.H — Hollywood


Prlends — Varicty 5 — Movle— Drama JlUp ihc Dojyn.StaH$asc."..

• i •_>r.v :. Sandy Deńnls porlrays a vcry dcdlcahtl school teacher In the ghetto of New York.

7sl - USU Spcctnl of the Wcck     _


2sl, Cn — Movle — Drama ••l-oeusts." c I947i Ilon -Howard. Hen.Inlinsnn 7sl -- Hook Real 8:00

' 2sl. 71 >. 8 -r Lucas TaniK-r — Drania 21»— Manhuntcr 3 — Mowie — Comdy. . "Goodbye Chariie.*' cltHHi Tony Curtis and DcMiU* Reynolds net Iii Ihls wcrslon of Georgu AxclnxLs play.

4I>. 7sl. 13 - Men Who Madę the M«vies — Documcntary 11 — The Wnllons 9:00

2sl. 71». H - Pelrocclli -Drama . - . I 2h. 5 — HIng .Crusby and

I    lis Frlcnds — V ariety 4sl. Cn — Get Christie lxive

II    — Gunsmoke


4l>. 7sl — John Bassctte ... Thls Tlimy Around — Musie 10:00

2b. 2sl. 3. 5. 71). H. II — News

4sl — ModSquad 4b. 7sl. 13 - Festiwal FillM Cn — Combat — Drama 10:30

11    — Movlc — Crłme


* * IIH Lady" Yvcito Mlmieux as ihc-“srar ‘and wrllcr porlrays a succssful 'arlist who works for the syndlcate as a part tlnie assassln.


2s| — l>d*s Go Hunt mg 2I> — Goud Times 4sl.Gn — Happy Duys — Comcdy

3 — HawailFhrc-O 2sl. 7b. 8. U — Johiiny Carson

—■4b 7sl. . 13. -- -VIdeu



2h - EdTn>\el: Football 10:40

3 — Public News Con-—f

S — Raymond Hurr 11:00

4sl.-Gn — News 7sl - ABC News 11:05

2h — Muwie — Drama "Newer So Few." H9591 Frank • Siiyalra. Ginu Lolluhrlgida. Steve Mrtjuecn.act In thls World War*lt nick. Tiie aciloa is.

fllinód rln Hurma willi Jurigle :.fIghting and romance.

y> 11:10    •

3—MoylcJ Mysi ery ••Thfc!.łiounds of the Huskpn/JUcs." A 1972 TV-inov4e' wl(h Stęwarl Grangcir ślnrrlng ąs Sherlock Holmes. Tlits łs* u two hour chillcr thriller.

• 11:30

4sl, Cn — Wldc World Speclnl


5 — Misslon Imposslblc 12:00

2sl. 7b — Toinorrow — Dlscusslon 8 — News


8 —Spoinie


5 —News

4h.l3 — Campaign '7-1 5 — Planet of the Apes 7sl — Hów To ...

7h.8 — Adnm-12 '7:30

2sl.7l>.8 — Movlc — Science Fictfon

"Where lfave All the People Goik*V" A 1974 TV-movlc starrinu Pelcr Gravcs.

2h — M*A*S*II

4sl. Cn — Movk — Crime

Dra ma

"lllt Lady” Welle


2sl.71).H — Pol Ice Story 2b.f» — Ilawaii Flve-0 4sl.cn — Marcus Welhv M.D

11 — Kmergency 9:30

4h.7sl.l3 — Woman — Dlscusslcm

* 10:00 2sl.2h.3.5 —JMews 4sl — MndSquad 4h.7sl.13 — Acclnil Clilcaint Cn — Comba I — Drama "li.H.ll — News


JollIlUY •\Sawuge" Martin Ilindan as a newspapor man incest Igal Ing a c o iii-prnmłslng phoiii ni a pollllcal nomlnee.


3 — Mnvlc— Drama "The Sweet Rlde." H9GHi Tony Franciosa and Mielnic] Sarrazln net In this youtli , orient cd story uf surfers and cyelists In Southern Cnllfnmłu.

5 — The Raymond Hurr Show


4sl.Cn-- News 7sl - AIR' News 11:30

•1sl.cn - wide World Mystcry


G — Misslon Impossihlc 12:00

2sl.7b — Toinorrow —


łt - News


» —Sport lite


12 llm&riaws, Twln    1<WiŁ Sunday.'Octot)*r(6. 197/

Młmleux wroieaud siara Jn



2sl.7li.H. 11 -

7sl — Zee Cooklng scliool



4h.7sl.13 - H

2l>,3 — Uamahy Jones

prooflng— Hcport

4h.7sl.i:i — America -



2h - Mowie -

5 - Manliunter - ('rum-



Drama 11 — .Marcus Welby. M.D. 8:30

4h.7sl.13 — Ewcning at Symphony



N '/SWi.

SALLY STRUTHL.IS stara as a girl, on o dream Hawallan vacotlon. who Is threotened w Uh both a dcadJy dUcosc and murder, In "Aloha Meons Goodbye." suspensę drama Uiat wUl howc Its world premierę on "The CBS Frldny Nlght Movles" Frlday. Oct. U on the CBS Tdcwlsion NetWork.


5 - News

« 9 I •    •    *


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