Galii. Leucosiidae III. Urnalana gen. nov. Zool. Med. Leiden 79 (2005)
cent in larger specimens. Thoracic sinus shallow, densely setose, anteriorly defined by coalesced granulate margin of pterygostomian region; sinus with median row of gran-ules. Posterolateral margins of carapace granulate, anteriorly edged with posteriorly narrowing strip of dense pubescence. Posterior margin prominent, beaded. Cheliped merus morę than half as long as carapace; entirely granular but for smooth patch medi-ally on lower surface; anterior, posterior margins bearing prominent perliform gran-ules, larger medially. Carpus unevenly granulate. Upper margin of palm smooth but for few granules proximally; lower margin with row of granules extending to proximal part of pollex, granules most prominent medially; inner surface of palm proximally with row of granules, parallel with lower margin. Pereiopodal meri with two granulate rows on lower surface, with two granulate rows on upper surface on first three pereio-pods, posterior dorsal row on third pereiopod distally obsolete, single dorsal row on fourth pereiopod. Pereiopodal carpi prominently keeled dorsally, propodi keeled dor-sally, ventrally. Małe abdominal segments 3-5 proximally with broad median furrow; 6th abdominal segment wider than long, medially dimpled, bearing minutę denticle medially. Female abdomen with 3 horizontal furrows, distal 2 furrows interrupted medially. Shaft of małe lst pleopod short, stout, sinuous; distally bearing two setose bul-bous lobes, inner lobe larger; cornuted; apical process dagger-like, at right angle to shaft, tip curved.
Colour.— "[c]arapace very light brown, with a blush of dark brown on each hepatic region, and a lighter brown mark on the gastric and genital regions; the tubercles of the arms pink, and the fingers red at the base."(Haswell, 1880: 48).
Remarks.— Haswell (1880) described Leucosia chemetii as "Nearly allied to L. whitei, Bell; but distinguished by the form of the front, and the absence of granules on the hepatic region." However, soon after the species was considered "a variety of L. whitei" (Miers, 1884: 249), and later "a synonym of L. whitei" (Tyndale-Biscoe & George, 1962: 77). In the late 1950s, examination of one of HaswelTs type specimens, a dried female specimen from Darnley Island, convinced McNeill (1968: 41) it is a valid species; that specimen was subsequently lost. Arnold & George (1987) selected a neotype, and clear-ly distinguished U. cheureti from U. whitei by the lack of granules on the epibranchial region and on the upper margin of the cheliped palm, the colour of the carapace, the absence of the large red spot on the inner surface of the palm, and the form of the lst małe pleopod.
Distribution.— Singapore, South China Sea, Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea; Arafura Sea, Australia; 13-70 m depth.
Urnalana cumingii (Bell, 1855) comb. nov.
Leucosia cumingii White, 1847: 48 (n.n.); Bell, 1855a: 363; 1855b: 290, pl. 31, fig. 3; 1855c: 9.
Leucosia cumingi; Ihle, 1918: 285; Estampador, 1937: 511; Serene, 1968: 47.
Leucosia angulata; Tyndale-Biscoe & George, 1962: 77, pl. 1, fig. 3, pl. 2, fig. 3; Davie, 2002:263.
Leucosia galantua Ovaere, 1988: 95, figs 1-3; Tan, 1996:1035, figs 5a, 4d; Davie, 2002: 264.
Materiał.— Philippines: holotype, 1 9 (11.2 mm cl), NHM 1843.6, Philippines, preserved dry, parasitized; 1 9 (11.0 mm cl), USNM, 5°11.50'N 119°54.0'E, 18 m depth, 'Albatross' stn 5159, Tinakta I., Tawi Tawi Group, Sulu Archipelago, 21.ii.1908, id. C.G.S. Tan as L. galantua; 1 9 ovigerous (11.8 mm d), USNM