Galii. Leucosiidae m. Urnalana gen. nov. Zool. Med. Leiden 79 (2005)
234264, Nasasa Bay, Zambales Province, 11-33 m depth, ii.1960, id. C.G.S. Tan as L. galantua.— Indonesia: 1 6 (10.7 mm cl), ZMK, Java Sea, Toeal, 20 m depth, Kei Is. Exp., stn 19,12.iv.1922, coli. Th. Mortensen.
Description.— Front not much produced, frontal margin sinuous, with shallow median depression. Anterolateral margin obscurely milled, hepatic margin projecting, angular, slopping ventrally. Margin of epibranchial angle slightly swollen, indistinctly milled. Posterolateral margin glabrous. Intestinal region medially prominent. Thoracic sinus anteriorly defined by overhanging, smooth, rounded margin of pterygostomian region; row of smali granules on ventral surface of epibranchial angle; row of smali perliform granules ventrally. Exognath of external maxillipeds laciniate. Anterolateral angle of 3rcl sternal segment obsoletely denticulate. Cheliped merus less than half as long as carapace, wider distally; anterior margin with 3 large perliform granules medially, posterior margin bearing 7 close-set lozegne-shaped granules, splitting distally into v-shape; upper surface proximally with V-shaped cluster of perliform granules partly obscured by pubescent patch; distally smooth. Carpus bearing smali granules proximally on inner margin. Inner basal palmar lobe with of 3-5 granules. Fingers cari-nate. Pereiopodal meri 1-2 with two obscurely granulate rows on dorsal surface, posterior row distally obsolete; 3-4th meri with single indistinctly-granulate row; ventral margin of meri 1-4 with two rows, concave. Pereiopodal carpi dorsally carinate, pro-podi dorsally and ventrally carinate. Shaft of małe lst pleopod straight, distally setose; cornute, sickle-shaped apical process bent at right angle to shaft.
Colour.— "the carapace pale yellowish-white, with yellow markings. The fingers marked with transverse brown fascia; the hand with a smali brown spot near the arti-culation of the moveable finger; and the abdomen with orange-coloured spots on the anterior part."(Bell, 1855b: 290).
Remarks.— Urnalana cumingii differs from U. angulata in its sinuous frontal margin, the rounded denticles on the anterior margin of the cheliped merus, the smali granules in the thoracic sinus, and the shape of the apical process of the małe lst pleopod. Tyn-dale-Biscoe & George (1962) misidentified a specimen of U. cumingii as U. angulata (see above). Ovaere (1988), redescribed that specimen as Leucosia galantua.
Distribution.— Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia; 18-33 m depth.
Urnalana elata (A. Milne Edwards, 1874) comb. nov.
(figs ID, 5A)
Leucosia elata A. Milne Edwards, 1874:41, pl. 2, fig. 2; Ihle, 1918:315; Serene, 1968:47; Ovaere, 1987:185. Leucosia sagamiensis Sakai, 1961:132, pl. 3, fig. 1, text-fig. la,b; 1965:47, pl. 19, fig. 1, text-fig. 7; 1976:121, pl.
35, fig. 1, text-fig. 69; Serene, 1968:47; Takeda, 1979:153,1987:11; Ovaere, 1987:196, figs 4a-c (part). Leucosia bikiniensis Sakai, 1983: 627, fig. 3c-e; Ovaere, 1987:185.
Not Leucosia elata; Nobili, 1906a: 167 [= U. elatoides (Bouvier, 1915)].
Not Leucosia sagamiensis; Miyake, 1983: 68, pl. 23, fig. 6 [= U. pulchella (Bell, 1855a: 363)].
Materiał.— New Caledonia: syntypes, 3 66 (7.7-9.7 mm cl), 1 $ (9.9 mm cl), MNHN B174, preserved dry.— Comoro Islands: 1 9 (6.0 mm cl), MNHN B18337, Mayotte, 47 m depth, viii.l958, coli. A. Crosnier; 1 juvenile, MNHN B18714, Mayotte, 50 m depth, ix.l959, coli. A. Crosnier.— Papua-New Guinea: 1 9 (9.7 mm cl), KBIN 26086, Hansa Bay, Laing I., 9.vii.l979, coli. J. Pierret, id. A. Ovaere as L. sagamiensis.— Australia: 1 (10.9 mm cl), NHM 1910.3.18.85, Goram Is., coli. W. Stalker; 1 6 (11.6 mm cl), WAM C8271, Broome,