Denne the function

H(y) := inf {t | v (((, oo)) < y] , which is the inverse taił function, and observe that

{(u, x) | u > v((x,oo))} D {(u,a:) | H(u) < #}, as u > u ((H(u), oo)) > u ((x, oo)). This leads to

-f [1{t.>^((a:,oo))}('Łi,a:)d^(xc) < - [    / -l(H(u)<,)(«,l)dj/(l)

Jo Jo u    Jo Jo u

= - f v([H(u),oo))—.

Jo    u

Since u < u ([H(u), oo)), we finally get the desired estimation.    □

Now, for a certain class of functions, we establish the multidimensional ver-sion of ineąuality (5). For the simplicity, we formulate this result for the Gaus-sian measure.

Lemma 2. Let g: Cn> R+ be a bounded function satisfying

1)    ^((ei012i,...,ei0"zn)) = g(z) for any z e Cn and 0i,... ,0„ G R,

2)    for any w, z G Cn the condition |iyfc| < \zk\, k = 1,... ,n implies g(w) < g{z). Then

Ent^ g < g(z) (^- - dun(z).

r /Ula \


Proof. One piece of notation: for a fixed vector r = (r*i,..., rn) G (R+)n we de-note rk = (ri,..., rk-i, rk+1, • • •, rn) G (R+)n_1, and then define the functions

9k (®) =0(rił...,rfc_i,arłrfc+i,...,rn), k = l,...,n.

Notice that for a function h: C —> R+ obeying the property 1) we get

[ h(z)dvi(z) = -5- [    [ h{rel0)e r2/2rdrdO = [ h(r)dp(r),

Jc    27t Jo Jo    J0

where p denotes the probability measure on R+ with the density at r given by re~r '2. Therefore

Lg{z)n)di/n{z)=L9{r)    ■n) d^n(r)



Applying Lemma 1 for the function gjj and the measure p we obtain the estimation

f 9{z)(~--n]di'n(z)> f ^Ent^9j’d/i®"(r

j C"    V 1    /    d(R+)»^

> EntM®» g = Ent„n g,

where the last ineąuality follows from subadditivity of entropy (for example see [Led, Proposition 5.6]).    □



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