R. M. POCHKHAN AWALA, 70, Trlnity 3troot, Dhobi Talao,
B O V B A T, 8* 3rd Maroh 1944 To,
Hia EAoellenoy, Mr. Stanisław Mikołajczyk,
Połish Prima Minister,
Tour Kicalienoy,
Busy aa Tour Eroelleney must ba with many lmportant Stata affairs, yat I taka the łibarty of addreaeing thie letter to Tour £xoełłanoy baoausa it oonoerne a watter of the highest Importanoa, nacięły, Połish Honour.
Sinoa the year 1933, that Ib to say from the Tery beginnlng of the opening of the Połish Consułata Generał in Bombay, I beoaae ita Seoretary and Joined my fortun# with that of the Połish Kation. Sine# then I hare studied tha Połish language. I hare aleo bocc Correapondent of PAT in Bombay einoa 1933. My eerrloer. to your country, ewen bafora tha war, wara duły aoknowledged by tha award of the GOŁO CROSS OF MKRIT to ma by tha Presldent of tha Połish Hapublio ln Korenber 1938. -'/han Połand was threatenad with war, I not ouly gewa up tha Increment in ■ałary dua to ma in Aprił 1939, but aotuałly when tha war broke out I Tołuntariły oontinuad to serre your country cn reduoed talary*
Witiiout boaating I mlght eay that I took tha most aotire part in tha organiaation and work of the Połish Relief Cctnitteo ln India, through whioh a oonsldarable amonut was oolłeoted for the relief of Połish refugees. To this, I ałso conbrlbuted my own hrabia shara from tlma to tima. tSoreorer, my autogrsoh book oontalns 3cores of appreolatlona of my parsonał assistance to Połish Citizen* whom tha ▼lolseltudas of war had brought to my oountry. erhan tha Połish OoTernment decidad to sand eipeditlone for Połish Clrlł Sełlaf ln U. s. s. R. I feaTe my whole-hearted oollaboratlon wlthout sny additlon-ał remuneratlon. The same remark ałao apollac to the openlng of the Połish Rad Cross ln Bombaj.
( oontPnned on poga £.)