R. M. POCKKBAKAWALA,    70, Trlnlty Street, Dhobl Talao,

To    page - 3 - B 0 M fi A Y fe. 3rd afuroh 1944.

His Zzoollency, Mr. Rte&lelaw Mlkolajor-yk,

Polleh Pr5.me Minister,    no

LOKDOg,    *    60

Belng oonrlnoed that the Pollsh CoTernoart,whioh are themaelwea flghtlng for the prlnolpleB of oelf-reepect, honour, Justiee and falrplay for tbelr oountry, onnnot renaln lndifferent to the Injustloe done to me, I preeanted my oesc to your prodeeessor, the late General Slkoreki. After a oonatderable delay I recetwed a reply from the Polleh Porelgn Offloe that the Coneul General hnd noted ln aeoord-anoe wlth "presorlptlons ln foroe". They further aeked me to wlthdraw my realgnatlon and tatce up agaln my "waluoble nollnborntlon" wlth the Coneulato General, In reply, I eaoraseed ny reodinepe to do eo prowided they would lat me know the exnot text. of the "pr^norlptiona ln force*. To my eurprlee, after two montha, I reoetwwd the reply that lt wae Impoealble for them to let me know the exaot tent. of the presorlptlons. Why t I regret to etate that both the C on mil General aa well aa the Polleh Forelgn Offloe hawe preferred to obaerwe a dlecrete sllenoe on the subjeot.

In wlew of the traglo denth of the late General Sikorski ln the meantlme, I sent my appeel to do me juetloe to the new Forelgn Minister, Mr. T. Romer. I hewe reoelwed aoknowledfjient of my appeol but up to now no reply.

TThder the clroumetenoeB, I trust that my upoeal to Tour Ejcoellenoy for Jurtica and felrplyy, aa head cf the Follah Gowornment whioh are thmmeelwes docenili ng rlght and jur.tf.oe for their oountry, will not go !n min.

I opologlse for aneroachlng on Tour Zxoellenoyva most Taluable time and ettent5 on. I relterate wy wllllrignesa to taka up my eolluboration wlth the Conaulate General If Your EŻoelle&oy will do me the Justloe whioh I demand ln the name of Pollsh Honour. I roaaln, wlth the ezpresslone of my higiicot reupeot, Your Exoallor*cy# s most obodiont


u. M. Poehkhanawala.

P*S. Ali eorroepondenoe and dooumonts ln oonnootion wlth what I haw#

atated abore, Your Kzoollonoy will find ln tho fllea of the Polleh Forelgn Offloe ln London.


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