To cach and alt of rtm Consiables of tbe Metcopolkan Police Forco Thcns being evidcncc that
(liercinafirr callcd ibc defendon!) ii aceused 4s»elUgod te be lwy a/ter eon turion
of (Sie offence(d) of
And thcrc betnę infbcmslton tłuu tbe defendant ii or fc fcelietrd to be in or on woy to the United Kmgdom:
and it appears to tne thftt the caaduct allegcd wouid confticute an cKttadition crime:
And I have boen supptM wtth sueh tafbonalion u vvouJd justify* in my opinion, the issaoofa wurnmt focfoewat ofa peraott accused ottefedte bo un?eeł6dly et tagge aftf >nniimrton of en effoaoa witbłn the toner London Atea:
You art hereby rcąuiiodto acrost the defeadant and bring the defcndant before a Metropolitan MagUŁrgfrłlfnt af BoW Street Migi s tmtea* CourL
Dae: CnkŚm4S Wl*
Pmvi*ionai wurant conv«ntion Countrfet Secdon
£*tradition Act 1009