The teacher’s role in the first few classes with a new group is to establish the codę of conduct.
With many adult classes this is an unspoken arrangement, however with young students it may need to be spelled out. A codę of conduct involves the teacher and students in forms of behaviour in the classroom. Certain things do not comply with standards - for example arriving late, interrupting othei students when they speak, bringing drinks and food into the room, forgetting to do homework, not paying attention, using mobile phones, etc. Where a codę of conduct is established both teacher and students will recognise these acts outside the codę.
Causes of disciplitte problems
1. The teacher should not do a number of things if she wants to avoid problems:
- Don’t go to class unprepared.
- Don’t be inconsistent.
- DoiTt issue threats.
- Don’t raise your vice.
- Don’t give boring classes.
- Don’t be unfair.
- Don’t have a negative attitude to learning.
- Don’t break the codę.
2. Students can behave badly and there are a number of reasons why this is so.
Time of day:
The students attitude :
A desire to be noticed :
Two ’s company : Others:
Action in case of indisciyline
Act immediately —
Stop the class-Reseatins-Chanze the activitv-After the class-Usins the institution-
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