R. M. Poohkhanawale, 7o, Trinity Street, Dhobl Tałao,
page - 2 - BOMBaY, 2. 3rd Maroh 1944.
His Kzcellency, Mr. Stanisław Mlkolaloayk,
Pollsh Prime Minister, ^ 9?
It was at thls period that ln t1qvt of the lnorensed work eome refugees were taken up looally for temporary eaployment ln the Consulate General. In the beglnntrc they rooeive5 a leseer salary than ayself.
But wlthln a few montbs, to my greet surprlse, funds were somebow found, not only to pay tbea Mgher salarley than palu to ae, in spite of the faet that I hed seorlflced e part cf my salary sino* the cutbreak of the war, but, what ls morę, my olalms to senlorlty and priority oyer thea were rejeoted by the Consul General wlth the uost unezpeoted argument, namely, •Pan n5e Jest. Poleklea". And yet, not bel.ng s Pole, I had the written authorlty elnoe the yeer 1920 from the Consul General hlmaelf to oarry on ell affelrs of the Consulate General ln the ordlnary oourse of business during Me abeenoe from offioe. (Ref: Letter of Authorlty No.152/32 dated the 17th Marob 1032 - eony to be found ln the fil es of the Pollsh Forelgn Office ln London, along wlth my recent eorrespondenoe ln the natter.)
In waln dld I appeal to the Consul General to take lnto oonalderatlon ay ten yeare* seryloas and aaorlfloes for bis country.
In waln dld I rsąuest hla to show ae ths ruies ln the Pollsh Forelgn Seryloe on whloh he had rejeoted my olalms to senlorlty and hlgher salary over the newly employed refugeeo. In vala dld I appeal to hla to proye hla good falth towerds me by sendlag my appeal to the proper Pollsh authorltles or proye the reosonableneas of his attltude by aooeptlng arbltratlon. But lt was of no ay&ll. Tour Kzcellency began your oareer as Prlae Minister wlth a reslgnatlon. I, therefore, trust, that Tour Kzoellenoy will understand that for the eeke of my honour and self-respeot I had no oourse left but to tender my reslgnatlon and than to praaent ay oase to the Pollsh authorltles ln London. The attltude of Dr. Banaslnski, the Consul General, was not only an affront to ay self-respsot whloh 1 haye ylndloated by reslgnatlon from tbe seryloe of the Pollsh Ooyernaent, but lt also oonstltutes an affront to Polaud9s tradltlonal attltude towarda ber frlends.
( oontlnued on page 3.)