b/ I would like to give n\y się.-port to the oplnion olroa^y expro53«d by the Pollsh Comwad concening the necosslty of lop.vinr* at the beginning of par. 5. the sentence "It ia consldered iieoeciaajy" rjid not only "Desireble” that the olish Seoret Artty be prepared for operations ocordineted -dth those of the Allies, aa the ade junto e^dixnent of thls i-.rnp In war matoriol is one of the f icdattental oonuitiosr for startiug the ri-sing. I tr et that the oxacvitton of fchia plan vdll be & praotical prorosition in the neareat futurę, eonsld^rthe present Allied poaaibilitieo 1ji the air.
o/ Aa o reauit of aoafer**cas betweea repr<?se.itatives of the Britiah and the Follah Staffa /on 27th Marah,l&43, between Colonel Marecki and 0-cne rai Iamay and on 7th a . ril, 194.% betwean Co land Maraoki wid C-arioral Kennedy/ the prinoiple waa eatabliahed that all oattors ooaoorniafi eur «it div«rałve actlvi.t1.es and lntei-li:^snce coric in polaad, as asll aa luoations of oupplj fo. tho 'leoret ara within the com^atenue oił fcie Gisernijx?xi3l problems
h*T«3V3r ^nd loeetions of coordinatioa of ułiti rieiag vdth Allied Dp^rations will be dealfc with in diroct txUa oetaoon th® Britiah and the Polish Staff aj
It aeeea to aa that tiiie juat principia ought to fiad its eipression in a ^odification of toe secoad part of par. 5. of the r,Dirsctive" in the following raawneri
* X ne S*Cj.'d. ahall continue to aot s& & cooiuinating suthority and as e boty, whon the Foliah General Staff should consult in all matters connected with the curreut uivcraive action and with fche suppJLyittg of the Secret ajrwy with ermamanta mu e^ulpoont noces&ary to start the rieirig. Operationel mattere - coordination of tJ*e rising ;.ith Allied G. er&tioas will be &objected to mutuel consultation between the * oliah General Staff and the Insperial General Staff. •
I should be grateful for kiniiy easprea ing your opizdon about
Yoi\rs vsry sinceroly*