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1. (toner-. 1 Klimeokl arrivod in Poręla - lraq immodiatoly aftor tho appolntiaont of General ilson to thie Ccemand whila tho concoąuant re-oi*(: oniaatłon was atill ln i to early stanco. Tho move of tho : ollsh troopo from 'lddlo ;ast and of tho • ollsh troopa which ww eracuoted froea tho . . . vla hl vi to Ghana :in had not be on c.- letod, and tho ollsh oamp was still bom* conatructed.

2# Or?rar.l -a tlen Aa a roimlt of his canversatlcais with Gan o roi Ilson, General kliniocki waa atle to re.ort ecnpleW agreeiwnt on tho orgoniaation of tho ollsh 7 oroś a as di^cussod wlth tha ;ar (f f leo pricr to his de rrtum to l eraia-Iraq. General Klimek! wlohod# how^.yer, to noto c^rtain minor ? Itemtions which rera nalnly a mat ter of tho designation of formati ono and certain differenceo of grouping wlthin tho : ollsh Corpe which would not effect the    ato liotoaent© agreod ttpon# Thue.namas of

tho 6th and 7th DiYisions which had cone out of U. U, U. i . wculd bo rotalnedj tho oth Ui-zielon would Aoserlbo c ;rouplng incluAlng tho .my T * nk $do. and tho Ind# Bdo. Group tho fth :>ivisian to deicrlbo tho rouplng ccnaietinp: of tho relnforeemonto and tłie Holding Bat tali cm#

Neither ot* tho a o diviaione would havo dlrlsionel I. . in tho ordinary a anso, but o okoloton H. u staff. Those divlslons will only bo divisłone ln nane9 without Au*lite.nr. or ncillury troopa.


Tho roaoon for «wiintaln*..tiJ: t.^ fcth and fth ivlcl ns t«l .. j>or was a cort&in oomronience ln handllng the tpoo*« arriving frora tho V. i. . R. and in tho oase of tho fcith DiYielan the posclblllty of organlsing and training the iw Tank Bdc. r.d the Ind* Me* Gmup in alrondy conetltuted unlts.Ir.h «■■;.,■a-.G.,    ‘Tho Ind, do* łreup will ultiror'oly be

fornted into on Aroty Tk. Me.

__________■' •>..    i . J.f: •. .    n nded Ith ro ps

from tho lat .obolon ewoeueted frosn tho U. • io now a iYlelan. Tho PiYiOicaa will reąulre ono lontho training from thN- dato of roeeiwlng Its fuli oąulpment.

Tho ?th T,ivleion orgenieed oa a iyielon in tho U. . • P. Th© com lote abaor.ee of oąuipTent takes Airthur trainlng i poseiblo at tho procent tino. The rmy Tank Bde. huta rocoiyod sonie tań}:©* thou,.:h not even on a trninlng sce.lo.

itos-lth# The c lima to in Khaa&ęln which ia in tho ‘balerin bolt, ls noi particularly eulted to tho : ollsh troopa woakensd by two y<.*ara in tho 7T, . 8, F, A fairly lnrre nunbor aro la hospitol olthrugh thore ls no indicatlon of sny o 1domie.

5.    Tho grostost dlfficulty which tho Golo* ox;orlonco ls duo to lwck of transport. Tho only tr«no ort at thoir dispoaol is organlsod by tho Indian P. ...O. or.d the langtiago dlfficulty roeulte at tinoe ln o >nfuaion. It ls of tho greatost im ortaneo thot -T. fthould bo isauod st an oarly dato.

6.    General Klimocki wishod in particulł>rf to    bring tu tho notice of

tho    ar Office tho    Inek of even & troining scalo    of «qjul x:iont for all

troopa except tho Kopański )iYision and tho medium regt. Tide, and tlie total obsenoo of trana; ort, wora tho primo diffioulties of tho olieh

Gon. and, and tho < a to of finp.l preparodness of tho ollsh Gorps dependa on th© pooolbility of roraodying tho present ; oaltion.

7.    Cf 3#000 ollsh personnol ovor and ohovc tho .200 whieh it hag

olroady boen ^x*ocd eh -uld be brou ht to United ingdon. 2.000 will bc oelectod in Pursia    - lraq by a .ollsh fonmi aion    for enlli tment in the

Air    '?orco end will    orrlvo in the U.K# as mombere    of tho P#a.F. A fur tho r

thouoond will bo ea^iarkcd for tłie łollah lar acha to Mo. and brought to tb U# K#


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