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gradually melt into nothing, owing to lack of reinforcemente. 20 p.c. ie enough for ahout one or two months only. Would gen.S. not consider reorganizing his Corps into one Inf.diy. of 3 Bgds plus one Tank Bgde and Army Corps troops.
Gen.S. said that as he fully appreciated the necessity of posseseing adeąuate reinforcements, his conception was to reorganiee the Anny Corps in the K.E., so as to haye 1 Inf.
Div. of 2 Bgds and 1 Armd.Div plus the necessary Anny Corps units. This would giye him an economy of an extra 4.000 me®
as reinforcemente. He had discussed the matter with repres-entativee of the War Office, whose opinion- wa$ that - notwith-ste.nding gen.B*s stateinent that all elements neceesary to form an armoured division (lTank Bgde, 1 Inf .Bgde, Recce Regt,
2 Field Ar ty Regts, 1 A.T. Regt., 1 light A.A. Regt) are availahle on the spot - th£ actual formation of such a division could he carried out within 6 weeks. He referred to this estimate of the War Office, stressing that he had no personal experience in this matter. Gen.E. agreed with this estimate.
Gen.S. said tłiat he had no recent information as to-whether his Tank Bgde had already received itłs fuli establishment od Sherman Tkandcw Tanks or not. Gen.Whiteley said that according to his inforaation it would he ready hy &arch next.
Gen.S. saitlthat he placed his scheme hefore gen.E. with the view - which he wished to stress very etrpngly -that if operational reasons induced gen.E. Jo demand the entry of the Inf.Div. into action in adyance - Gen.S. would put it at his immediate disposal with the request, fcowever, that the Army Corps Commander with his Staff and Army Corps units would go together with the division, in order to get aauainted witto the terrain and conditions of futurę operations.
Gen.E. said there might he difficulties in carrying out gen.Sf*e conception. Conditions prewailing in Italy, pdculiarities of the terrain, require first of all Infantry Divs. After an attack has heen carried out and an ohject taken hy Infantry, tank coys or smali nulhers of tanks were heing sent tof hreakia® last local resistancei* So far, howewer, there has heen no opportunity of using Amird Diws
asa whole•
At present gen.E. disposed of morę Armoured units in