. By mothod you wili gradually progrena into tho norę difficult ntagon with •aao. SWCOIBLY. I want you to grjow into thdm.
Give oTory word your oorehil attentlcm* Put your niad to what I ask you to da and watah th# rooulte that foliow.
Flaoo your truat antiroly Lr. ac* By *o doing you help ma to help you*
Got the ideat Juat imagino you have tho grlp of ny hand urging yoo on. Lat joac of my ntool get into your oyotcsu
Bafere 1 close 1 want to draw sossething to your attantlon*
•yoauently, a pupil writea iao he haa takon sonę other oourso cf inntruction, and haa tho impreaaion ho nood not porfora what ho thinka aro preliniinary eocorclana* But, do not cortftesa thoao oxoreiaea with "preliminary" oxoroiaoa. A pupil nay havo porfomoil nono of than, but the rnat inportanoo lica In tho order ln which thoy aro trranged. Tnoaa havo tho deflnito parposo of toning your into mai or^ano progroea-ivoly. probably, it ia ono of tho raoet isportant phaaoa of your training. -nlooa your organa aro proporly tonod you nctor will hav© tho right foundatton. Ali nu-trition and onorgy to build laatłng auacla atruoturo and atrongth rooo fTon tho orfana—Howhor© ©loo-Too many build tho auncloa at tho oxponoo of tho orrano. I
ko aara you frora thia grara orror. TTith thoao oxorciaea you nay not aoo tho viaiblo rooulta, ainoa tho ełTort lo into mai, but you will "ftor1 then, and bob lat»r. afcer. you tratr. with tho Pale run helia, how otuoh moro ropidiy your improvor»ont will ba. I atroaa thio booaune I do not want you to bo dlaappointed at not gottlng th# br 1« *ith your firat loooon. It ia odviaablo not to uao thon for thio puroooo. Th* Bella, along with tho othor FTee ltoma will bo aont to you as requlrod
in y:ur program, in tho prapor ordar to riv*> you tho boat rooulta. You will bo thrillad to usc thon, for thoy auro naka your busole o Jump*
!*cw my friand, I do hopo you will enjoy your firot laaaon.
I know you will, and I fool auro that aftor tho firat night of tralaing you will bo lcoldnn forward with oagoraosa to noxt woo!5*8 now oxoroiooa and tho couroc in br«Łfching,
Sineoroly your* for Physioal Porfoction,