[krternat5xi, wntten 1988 by V. Tamme) "Who are you to bluster? Youre only living on th« planet out of our mercy. Your thousands cant fight our milions, and that‘s why your country belongs to u*.." A story about Interfront, a popular Russian chauyimst "internat lonahst' movement in Estonia during the late eighties whith didn‘t tołerate democratic changes Thetr flag was red. ‘Do you know what cok>ur democracy «? Our flag is red and so ts tbe Wood running from your noses unłess you cut the crap.‘
(Aidsist, teit wntten 7993 by V. Tamme, musie by V. Tamme/L- Krull/A P3der)
"If I get the virus some day Tl betonie
a donor. Why should I perish alone?-*
A tragxcmv rewew of a fatal disease-"And when ft’s elear that the rirus is inside my willie Hi get my willie cut off.“
IKiilmale Maale, written 1988 by V. Tamme)
‘People are wondering: whats that Gorby smiling at?But Gorby'sgot a plan: after thfs parade's over, perestroika wdl be cver, toc_‘ A story like this coułd have happened. If Gorbachoe had stopped perestroika, all Estonians would have been deported to Siberia, the cołd country. 'Nothmg to lose but a lot to win' there we will erect a city that conceals the hcruon and build in Siberta the realm of Estonia again'“
lElab Veel Berta, wntten 1988 by V. Tamme)
“You can‘t find out everythtng from the newspapers. You can't find out who rules the country, can't find out the na mes of death-”
A ballad about the RGB liayrenti Bena was the sadistic headof Security dunngStaHnstime) *K for Ku Klux Klan, G for Gestapo, B for Bena."
(Stga, written 199* by V. Tamme)
"The only thing you can do is shtt yoursełf while ing from the ner of your th_“ A story ut a disgusting drurfc who want's to be our friend although we don‘t hke the idea. "You don't have to eat here at our etpense You can go and hang yoursełf"
(janeste bwasioon, written 1996 by V. Tamme)
"Thousands of pairs of Iong ears-* A Story about bunmes coming to fight for a morę humane futurę somehow. And they say to us-"Leave some junk unbought, leare some living thing unkiHed, leave a day with 'Santa Barbara' unwatched, get out of this trictous ctrcie if you are still able ta"
(Antikristusja Ruldsed Taldrikud, written 11980-)1996 by V. Tamme) "ThengoUensaucers will land from the sky and take us to the land of the waterbrains. While the Beast is ragmg on Earth we are eatmggołden lemons, we love them, and we love you, our enemies-.’ A Iong and obscure Story about the Ant ichrist coming to rule the world and ustravelhngawaycn fłymg saucers with fear. 'Farethee well, you cant come with us,youdont have a msa for
(Tulevik On Turni Aja Parast, written 1992 by V. Tamme)
*l'm not surę who I am anymore. I am not whom I used to be. Do I have to be who I want to be or do I havr to be whol a m somewhere deep inside?-" A song about doubt. Is it n^it what f ve done. what I do. and what l'm gomg to do? Perhaps. "Myfutiłe ts in my own hands. But knowing this wont make me