By now you chcu! . b© :n a phyiieal eona i tl on to de -otte r«al work,and belląye ao, a^r thła woek you ar* gotnf to got lt.
Thoro aro many pooplo who thlnk that right off tha bat thoy should get bij;
lor and tho strcngtk.of • Ilon. Ko slreft, naturo do-» net work tka
It tmkes about a month for tho body to bocono proporly tonod. During that tino the ©ntlre lntomal and phyaical ttato goes through a stato of physlcal convorsion.
If you start* out to forc<* dwolo^nont you aoqulrc what I term inflated muaclo.
Thoy aro lite balloor. tloe ar.d ,1ust as uaoloss on a aan.
It la r.ot sito that eounta. It la quallty.
! knew many apparontiy flno looking foliowa who can roli up thoir slocYcc-and show a flno looklrg am. Big broast saiaelos and nusclos on thoir back lite door ■■ccrs, but tho moment you aak thetu to domor.ntratr with thora, thoy back out.
7'- atruoturo of thoir nuscle is too ooarse to be good.
Haw enn it bo othonrieot
Horeed struoturw of any singla thing that has life, bo it a troo, a plant ór of fruit, produeos a teccturo of ita structuro that is alwaya coorne. Laeking ia that fino temporod quality that cooos fkor natura! growth.
fblka goncrally try to do too much physical work all at onoo, wlthout ary con-• Moratlan for tho powero lnaldo.
•hut ImogLn© what would happon to an angino it no wator waa put ln tho radiator, Sa.-r thing.
Wo ar© out to build tissue that has tho quality of longoYity. Tho kląć that will presorw© your atrongth and enduranoo far lnto old ago.
Hosr aro you maklng out with your masoag© practiooł
Kover nogloct it. Eapeeially w hor. you haws had a long hard day. Thoeo swoat glands aro alwaya ehoted with toxin at tho and of a day'i work and you MJST gat lt
i!ow aro your norrea foollng? Tight and etaadył
Woli now, nty frlond, T will cios© for tho proser.t and I hop© that yOU will bo looklng forward to n©xt wook aoro than ovwr, booauoo you will b« ntarting out with your apparatua.
Thon your roal sorlous work cn mięci© bulldIng heglna.
Fbr tho reat ot thls loston I will talk about your foot
.1o horo's wishlng you noro effort tosrards the goal.
rioaso bo suro to fili out tho occloood Pupil*# Progroaalird Blank, and nall to rw> ;»reonol!y. It is rory noccarary I know ju-.t what progron- you haro‘ru\do.
In fact ! car.'t plan your futuro loescna with tho fcilerur. Bolla ur.til I got lt. Thon will wo fbrgo ahoad—you bot. You will be astoundod to* a©* hem your nusoloa will gro* and show thoir susoular ahapllrtess, and you will bo orerjoyed at tho now groat otrongth you will foel satiirating orory nusclo. I mean it—bocaucc I know you will write Rolling sw lt ls trje. TM* lUlcrum Bell* can do what r.othłng olte car. for you.