4i/ętc-    i?$


Staff Lieutenant Colonol of Artillery.

Bom in Vilna in 1900. Schools in Vilna.

1918 joined Polish Arny, served at the front in 6th Inf. Regt.

1921 - 1926 in 19th. L.i. E«gt.f beginning as Platoon Commander and ending as Battory Corrander.

1926    - 1927 Staff Officer at G.O. II of the General Staff.

1927    - 1929 studied at Staff College.

1929 - 1950 Staff Officer on the Staff of Ko. 1 Comr.and.

1931 - 1953 attached to the 1 iii tary Studies Contrę (collaboration) with the Prench . iosion).

1933 - 1934 Staff Officer at the Inspectorate General of the Polish Korćes.

1935 - 1936 attache! to 7th. H.A. Re.gt.

1937 - 1939 Head of a foreign Intelligence Post.

1939    (Krańce) Staff Officer et G.H.Q.

1940    Poliah Liaison Officer with Prench i. iii tary f ission.

1940 - 1941 Staff Officer at 1 Polish Corps K.Q.

1941 - 1942 Staff Officer at the Inopectorate cf Armoured Trains. 1943 Staff Officer at G.O. III, Polish General Staff (Studies).

He cocipleted the following attachments:

Co-op©ration *ir Korce ocjuadron with the British lst. Ansy in North Africa and Information courses,

Intelligence Training Centre andArmy Co-operation School.

o .COf.AIlOlf;: Cross for Valour, Golden Cross of I erit, Indopendence

l.edal, etc..

ŁAPGUAGKS: ?rench, Pnglish, Rus 3 ian and German.


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