Wlodglzaierz miLUMIG»

Staff Colonel of Artillery.

Bora in Y/arsaw in 1384. Schools iii tfareaw.



- 1911 staddiad law at the University of Montpellier.

1 -I r> ~ _____ J2    j --T ,n in r    J

1918 JSgBii Folish A my. 1920 - 1921 studied at Staff College. 1921 - 1925 Head of the Western Department of the V;ar Council. 1926 - 1950 i iii tary Attache in Humania.

1930 - 1931 3econd in Command of an Artillery Regiment.

1932    - 1953 Leputy G.O. III at the Polioh General Staff.

1933    - 1936 eommanded the 22nd. L.A. Regiment.

1936 - 1939 ifeputy G.O. i/c A.A. Defenoe.

1940, in Fance, at first in charge of the ovaouta.ion of Poles from 2 o land and interned.    la ter eommanded the A*. • Centra.

1942 - 1943 with the R.W.A.F.F., attached to General Giffard as Senior Polish liaiaon Officer.

From Oetober 1943 Chief of Staff of the Inspector of Military Administra tion.

ftSCOKAllOffS: Polonia Rastitata, Cross for Valour, Golden Cross

of i1 erit, Legion of llonour, etc..

ŁAifGPńGAS: Inglish, Prenoh, German, Russian.


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