‘"ar Office,
London, S.W. 1.
25th Geptettber, 1S43.
De ar General Sosnkowski,
I fully appreciate the spirit- In which you have 80 generously agreod to the use of 3 Carpathian Division in advanoe of the Polish Corps, if the operational necessity ar i sos. ii; is essential that we shoułd securo the raaximmn military advant*ge from the present situation in the :;editer-raneen md, to be able to ocli on 3 Oarpathian Division, vfaich is equipped and. ready for operations, will iaaterially ©8si3t General Eisenhower in his ability to do this.
T cen assuro you that the conćlitions set out in your letter of 19 Septeober to General Gracett will be faithfully trananitted to the Allied Con urnder- in-Ohlef.
He will be askeu that, if it becoaes neceesery initially to use the Carpathian Division apart from the Corps, he will regarć it a3 an ©dvnnce ele .ent and will reconstitute the Corps as soon as cirourast ance s perroit.
I fully understand your wiah to ranintain t\va entity of the Folish Corps but there onn be no doubt that your decision is in the interest of the United Pations.
/hether or not the Carpathian Division is uaed in advanoe,
I look forward to the dny when your Corps will bo fighting as a whole.
Yours very sincerely,
/-/ Alan Drooke
General JC^Sosnkowsici, Rube b Hotel, Buckingha i pałace Rd, , London, 3.W.I.