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Bear General Sikorski,
I an c:lad to hear th&t the Sowiet authorities have now ngreed in principle to the move of 25®000 Polish ansy personnel and 2.000 airmen from Uzbekistan. The piana for the raove are virtually oomplete and only the reception of theae parties in the MŁ&dle East and this country reiaains to be arranged.
I understand that you propose to send to the United RLngdora 15®000 nd ii tary personnel (of whora 10.000 would be allotted to the Army) and the
2.000 airmen, the rernaining 10<>000 going to the 1'dddle Sast.
I fully appreciate the need to coraplete in this country the establishment of your Armoured Division, on the fomation of which we have agreea. 1 am surę, nevertheless, that you will realiao the urgent need of strengthening the forces under General Anchinleck, fron whom we have recently been forced to tako formations to meet'^Tiesituation creatod by t’ie Japanese attacks. The replacemerrt of these troopr, in the Middle East is dependent on ahir^ing, and nust at best be spread over a considerable period. Thus any a&dition to General Auchinleck1 s strength which can be proyided mthout the use of shipping is most welcone.
General ^uchinleck wiahes, as you Jenów, to exyand the Polish forces unier his coromand to a division of tvro infantry brigades, vdth diwision&l troops on a three-brigs&e baais. He o&lculated that for this expansion (including the necessary reinfiorceioents to cower casualties for three nonths)
15.000 men are reouired. I should be grateful, therefore, i:" you would ngree to leave lp.OOO : ien in the ItLddle East and bring 10,, 000 and the 2.000 airrien to tho United bingdon.
I am "lad to inforra you that from production during this nonth the following arms and eouipjaent are being released fro 2'our focecs in Usbekistan in replacement of those which had to be diverted to the Par E&at:
Rifles |
10.000 |
H.stols«3^ |
500 |
Bren L.J.I. |
400 |
Pistols Signal |
200 |
Vickers |
125 |
Binoculars |
150 |
2" Mortars |
50 |
GomrpajRs Prismatic |
250 |
3" Kord;ars |
50 |
Y.ireless Set ho. 9 |
10 |
A.Tk.Rifles |
60 |
Wireless Set No.18 |
200 |
18 prs. |
16 |
4.5" bows. |
16 |
3 7 o i'u m. A. Tk. Guns (with 500 rounds per gun) |
108 |
Thompson S.M.Gn. Yours sincerely |
250 |