b. Proposals relative to purposea, structure, and organization of the International Education Organlzation and tho International Education Office were prssented. Theso will be carefully considered by a smali aub-coronittee and a definite proposal will be snbmittod to the members of the Cammission for their reactions and criticiein. Following receipt of theae, a finał state-ment of the proposala will be madę at tle meeting of the DSSTITOTB OK SDDOA!PIOKAL REGO!' STRUCTIGN at Kew York UnlYeraity, April 7-8, 19415.
c. Ali participents expreased their willingceaa to oooperate. Ali participants agreed that tho United States Cormittee on Sducational Raconatruetlon shall con-tlnue ita effcrts toward thia gosl.
d. Ali participents ejcpressed their willingness to serve for this purpoae in thia Comnittee. ę
e. During the whole dayf Kr* Ralph Turner, representing the Gultural Helations Departirent of the “tatę opartaant of the United States Goverriraent, was present and gave his advice and suggeeti ona boaod or his long erperiancea as one of the founderś and, later on, General Director of the International Labour Office.
He agreed to glve his fuli ccoperation to the Commisaion,
f. The following persona have accepteć irwitetions to be manbers of the CommlBSion but were prevented from being present at the first raeeting.
Dr. Frank Aydelotte-Director of the Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, New Jersey.
Chanoellor K.tf. Chase - Mew York Univeraity , Now York City Dr. John Oondll.ffe - UfeiTarsity ol' Oalifomia, Berkeley, Oalif.
Dr. Stephen Puggan - Director of tho Institute of International
Yducati.cn , JJew York Gity,
Dr. Grayedn, N. Kefaurer - Stanford Univeraity, Kalifornia
lira. Samuel Lewioohn - Director of the Public Education Association
Hew York City.
President Robert C. Sproul - University of Califomia, Berkeley
Dr. Georga Stoddard - Cannianioner of ?*d.ucation of the State of New York,
Durir.g long houra of discussion at tho first raeet.ing of the Cnmmiasion, the inten-aity of lnterost and cooperation of all meabers inereased morę and morę. Ali pert i ipanta exprensed, at the end of the - setIng, their opinion that thia mee-ting was an important step forward in the preparat!on of edueational racorstruetion