Return Value

Wrfte Command:

Command wfttrout Tag:

Unit ID, DateTime, Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Heading, Altitude, Satełlite,

Report ID, Inputs, Outputs

Command witti Tag:

$RP:Tag,Unit ID, DateTime, Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Heading, Altitude, Satełlite, Report ID, Inputs, Outputs

Unit ID: The ID of the unit

DateTime: YYYYMMDDhhmmss (GMT Datę and Tinę)

Longitude: WGS-84 Longitude/Latitude coordinate system

Latitude: WGS-84 Longitude/Latitude coordinate system

Speed: 0-65535 km/h

Heading: t>-360 degrees

Altitude: Always 0

Satelitę: 0-12

Report IDdocx {Pfease refer to appendbc for detaiied description)

Inputs: Bitwise operation

Forexample: When lnputs=11(dedmal) =0x0b(hexadecimal) =00001011{binary), then Inputl = ON Input2 = ON Input3 = OFF Input4 = ON


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