5series active hybrid flyer(1)

ActiveH brid Ä™
www.bmw.com Driving Pleasure
BMW EfficientDynamics
Less emissions. More driving pleasure.
Can a vehicle become ever-more ef cient while becoming increasingly dynamic at the same time? Yes it can. The BMW ActiveHybrid Ä™ delivers the proof. With its In the BMW ActiveHybrid Ä™, united performance means increased efficiency. For the first time, the interplay of all hybrid components is controlled by the intelligent Energy
intelligent drive concept, the rst full hybrid BMW saloon presents the next BMW ActiveHybrid generation. The BMW ActiveHybrid Ä™, with its superior agility and Management system and individually calculated for every journey. The latest technology makes it possible to drive using only electric power for three kilometres at up to
unique design, offers the perfect combination of dynamism and elegance. This third BMW ActiveHybrid model also delivers optimised performance through intelligent Ä™ Ä™ km/h. Additionally, the combination of the electric motor and the BMW TwinPower Turbo inline six-cylinder petrol engine offers typical BMW driving dynamics, while fuel
Energy Management. Purely electric driving for considerable distances (silent gliding with the combustion engine switched off), and even more intense acceleration consumption and emissions also impress. For a high system output of ęę ę kW (ęę ę hp), the car consumes, on average, just ę.ę  ę. ę litres per ę ę ę km and emits ęę ę  ęęę g of
thanks to the Boost function all ensure an entirely new driving experience. Indeed, developments in the BMW ActiveHybrid Ä™, in tandem with BMW Ef cientDynamics COÄ™ per kilometreÄ™. In short, the BMW ActiveHybrid Ä™ is an outstanding example of how you can continue enjoying driving pleasure to the full well into the future.
measures, signify another stride into the future by substantially reducing fuel consumption and COÄ™ emissions, and palpably improving driving pleasure.
Fuel consumption and COÄ™ emissions vary according to the wheel and tyre sizes selected.
Ä™. Auxiliary climate control Electric
Power Steering
Hybrid Start/Stop function
Ä™. Lithium-ion high-
performance battery
Brake energy
Ä™. Eight-speed automatic Reduced rolling-
transmission resistance tyres
BMW TwinPower Turbo
inline six-cylinder petrol engine
Air vent control Ä™. Electric motor
Mo e e żÿciency th ough in elligen Energy Managemen . ECO-PRO mode is ac i"a ed "ia he Driving T e aluminium door sills wit
). lec" ic mo"o . Si&'a&ed be&)ee &he c!mb'%&i! e gi e a d The B W Ac&i(eH+b$id - i% &he i$%& ! &he Accele$a&i g e 1cie c+. Wi&h &he Boo!"
Netwo king etween the n vig tion system nd the vehicle llows Experience Control f!nc ion. hen he A tiveHybri Ä™ lettering mark t e entran e
&he gea$b!*, &he /0 kW m!&!$ %'""lie% e !'gh "!)e$ !$ "'$el+ B W h+b$id% )i&h a BMW T%inPo%e T# bo f#nc"ion, &he "!)e$ 'l i &e$"la+ ! &he
c lcul tions to e m de th t ensu e optimum ene gy use. When dri"er a es his foo off he accelera or #hen to a parti ularly elegant interior wit a ig
elec&$ic d$i(i g a d %'""!$&% accele$a&i! )i&h &he B!!%& ' c&i! . inline !i&-c'linde pe" ol engine. Thi%, i &)! "!)e$ ' i&% deli(e$% im"$e%%i(e $e%'l&%
the lithium-ion high-pe o m nce tte y is ch ged, the elect ic ECO-PRO is on, he engine s#i ches off and stan ar of workmans ip.
Thi% "$!(ide% a !&iceable i c$ea%e i d+ amic% a d $ed'ce% 'el c!mbi a&i! )i&h &he elec&$ic m!&!$, achie(e% d'$i g accele$a&i! a d !(e$&aki g. I &he%e
moto suppo ts the engine on uphill sections. Going downhill, he gearbo$ connec ion is disengaged, allo#ing
c! %'m"&i! a d emi%%i! %. H!me,! e: )he a(iga&i! i% ac&i(e, ma*im'm d+ amic% )i&h ma$kedl+ $ed'ced ca%e%, &he i c$ea%ed !'&"'& $e#'i$ed !
the high-pe o m nce tte y is utom tic lly ch ged g in. he B o glide noiselessl% a !p o &'( m/h. "ðwww.bmw.com/Ä™series
&he high-"e$ !$ma ce ba&&e$+ i &he ca$ i% cha$ged, %! +!' ca d$i(e 'el c! %'m"&i! . I addi&i! , &he !ll!)i g &he elec&$ic m!&!$ i% achie(ed b+ %!'$ci g
n he o her modes, he car #ill coas a a
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speed of !p o )( m/h.
!peed a#"oma"ic gea bo&, 'b id $ege e$a&i! %+%&em.
+. i" i#m-ion ig -pe fo mance ba""e '. F!$ ma*im'm e 1cie c+, "a "/ "op f#nc"ion, ai $en" con" ol,
&he li&hi'm-i! high-"e$ !$ma ce ba&&e$+ %'""lie% e e$g+ &! d$i(e lec" ic Po%e "ee ing, B ake ne g'
&he B W Ac&i(eH+b$id - "'$el+ elec&$icall+. Thi% i !(a&i(e ba&&e$+ Regene a"ion and ed#ced olling e!i!"ance
i% cha$ged ! e(e$+ j!'$ e+ a d i% al%! li ked &! &he b$ake e e$g+ "' e!. All &he%e B W icie & + amic%
$ege e$a&i! %+%&em a% %!! a% +!' &ake +!'$ !!& ! &he accele$a&!$. mea%'$e% c! &$ib'&e &! d!'ble- ig'$e "e$ce &age
The li&hi'm-i! high-"e$ !$ma ce ba&&e$+ i% al%! di%&i g'i%hed b+ a %a(i g% i 'el c! %'m"&i! )hile, a& &he %ame
l! g %e$(ice li e a d c!me% )i&h a %"ecial ce$&i1ca&e ! e$i g c!(e$ &ime, e %'$i g &he &+"ical B W d$i(i g e*"e$ie ce. Brake Energy Regeneration. Electric driving. The Ä™ kW
!$ &he 1$%& .00,000 km a d a ma*im'm ! 1(e +ea$%. When the driver relea e the ele tri motor ena le purely
throttle, kineti ener y i onverted ele tri drivin over lon di tan e .
(. A#&ilia ' clima"e con" ol. Wi&h &hi% %+%&em, &he B W Ac&i(eH+b$id - into ele tri al ener y and tored in
ca be c!!led b+ &he ai$ c! di&i! i g %e(e$al mi '&e% be !$e "e!"le the lithium-ion hi h-performan e
ge& i &! &he ca$. Thi% i% d! e b+ &he elec&$ic clima&e c!m"$e%%!$ a d attery.
)i&h!'& '%i g 'el. A'*ilia$+ clima&e c! &$!l ca be $em!&el+ ac&i(a&ed
%im"l+ b+ '%i g &he ca$ ke+.
*. ig "-!peed a#"oma"ic " an!mi!!ion. N!& ! l+ d!e% &hi% Boost function. When needed, Energy cons mption history.
e %'$e a%& gea$ cha ge% )i&h!'& l!%% ! &$ac&i! , &ha k% &! a'&!ma&ic drive power of the inline ix- ylinder T e use of ele tri energy uring
c!'"li g, &he eigh&-%"eed gea$b!* al%! $eg'la&e% i &e$ac&i! be&)ee en ine i upplemented y t e last ęę minutes of riving is
&he c!mb'%&i! e gi e a d &he elec&$ic m!&!$. Addi&i! all+, a d ener y from the ele tri motor, s own in a bar art. T e longer
i c!mbi a&i! )i&h &he h+b$id S&a$&/S&!" ' c&i! , i& make% a in rea in total power output t e bar, t e ig er t e use of t e
c! %ide$able c! &$ib'&i! &! $ed'ci g 'el c! %'m"&i! a d for hort period . One advanta e ybri system an t e greater t e
emi%%i! %. of thi te hnolo y i a tron , fuel savings.
BMW fficien"D'namic!
pontaneou ur e in power.
e!! emi!!ion!. Mo e d i$ing plea!# e.
More about BMW
www.bmw.com Driving Pleasure
This yer describes the models, features and con guration options (standard and optional) available in vehicles delivered by
BMW AG for the German market. In other EU countries, there may be deviations from the features and con guration options
described in this yer, in terms of the standard and optional equipment of the individual models. To nd out more about the
different country versions on offer, please consult your local BMW dealer. Design and equipment subject to change. For
information on returning and recycling your vehicle, please contact your local BMW dealer or see www.bmw.com/recycling
© BMW AG, Munich, Germany. No reproduction in whole or in part without the written approval of BMW AG Munich.
BMW recommends
ę ęę ę ęę ęęę ę ę ę ę ęęę VB. Printed in Germany ę ęęę.


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