familia 'family'

familiant 'member of family relative' fawor 'boon' 252) fenomenon 'unusual event' ferezja 'over-garment wom by men’ foryś 'orderly'

fraucymer (1) 'ladies-in-waiting', (2) 'their apartments' gardło (dać) 'be sentenced to death' garłacz 'blunderbuss' gęba 'face' 253) glejt 'safe conduct' gomon 'noise, brawl' grasant 'marauder' 254> guldynka 'former light rifle' hajdawery 'gilligaskins' 255) hajduk 'soldier of Hungarian infantry introduced into Poland by Batory' halabarda 'halberd' halabardnik 'halberdier' hazard 'chance, accident' heretyk 'heretic (in religious belief)' hulaj gród 'wooden tower on wheels, used in storming a fort' (S) hułajhorod see hulaj gród imainacja 'imagination' 256 > impediment 'obstacle' infamis 'formerly, individual con-demned to forfeit his honour and citizen's rights' inkaust 'home-made ink' inkluz 'formerly, a mysterious force enclosed in an object, which

brings good fortunę' inkursja 'enemy invasion' 257> inkwizycja 'formerly, an inąuiry’ instancja 'reąuest' 258> instygator 'historically, public pro* secutor'

insult 'ąuarrel, insult' (S) intercyza 'marriage articles’ intrata 'income' inwidia 'hate' jagody 'cheeks' 259) jasyr 'historically' captivity by Tartars'

język 'prisoner taken for interrog-ation'

kałamaszka 'narrow, smali cart' karałasz 'Turkish soldier' (S) 260> kartaun 'large cannon' (S)261 > karwaser 'caravanserai' karwasz 'metal arm-piece' kawaler 'historically, a knight: formerly, a man of high family' 262) kawalkator 'formerly, a horse-breaker'

klemencja 'favour' klimkiem (rzucać) 'to speak evas-ively' (S) 263)

kolet 'kind of skirt wom by cavalry' kolubryna 'heavy cannon used in seventeenth century' (S) komnata 'chamber' kompan 'companion' komput 'numerical strength of army approved by Sejm, i.e. main

252)    PS cites this word as "partially obsolete”.

253)    See notę 245, above.

254)    Sienkiewicz uses this word several times (e.g. P. IV, pp. 1, 4), but does not explain it until P. VI, p. 17.

255)    Sienkiewicz reports seeing Bulgarian women wearing hajdawery when he visited that country (cf. Dzieła LV, p. 288).

256)    Not    cited in PS except    as imainować tor which Sienkiewicz is given    as    the    only

source.    The    noun occurs as nad imainację    urodziwe (P. III, p. 129).

257)    E.g. inkursja chłopska (P. IV, p. 39).

258)    E.g. wnosić instancję do króla (P. V, p. 36).

259)    Used metaphorically for cheeks of woman or girl, but Sienkiewicz epplles the word to the face of Kmicic (P. III, p. 216).

260)    Also katarasz (PS).

261)    Also kartan (PS and SJP).

262)    E.g.    przesławny k., (P.    IV, p. 100)    and mężny k. (P. III, p. 55).

263)    For    the origins of this    phrase, see    Julian Krzyżanowski, Mądrej głowie    dość    dwie

słowie II (Warsaw, 1962), pp. 117-118.



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