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Lewis (G. E. D.) : Teacher's handhook, junior malayan geographies, Book I. London, Longmans, 1954. 70 pages.

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Silya (S. E. de) : cc The meaning of geography ». Bulletin of the Ceylon Geographical Society. Co-lombo, vol. X, nOR 1-2, janv.-juin 1956, pp. 1 a 8. South India TeacheFs Union. Council of Educa-tion Research : Social studies ; a guide book for teachers of Standard X. Madras, 1961. 236 pages (Bulletin, n° 5).

Souza (A. de) : cc Regiona! classification of India and its application in teaching u. Geographical Revieu' of India. Calcutta, vol. XXI, 1, 1959. pp. 30 a 36.

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Uvinaya (B. E. T.) : cc Pa hta we thin kyar nee a kyaung w (Methodes d'enseignemcnt de la geographie). In Modern Teachers handhook. 2e ed. Rangoon, Modern Educational Books Publishing House, 1956, pp. 390 a 438.

2. Adinegoro (D.), Hilal (W.), Postma (P. A.), Soedewo (R.) : Atlas Indonesia dan dunia untuk sekola rakjat (Atlas de Plndonesie et du inonde pour les ecoles primaires). Amsterdam, Djarnba-tan, s.d. 52 pages, 47 cartes.

Chatterjee (S. P.) : National atlas of India. Calcutta, Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, 1957, 26 planches, 39 pages. En hindi. Dari (Jang Terdiri) :    Atlas Semesta Dunia

(Atlas du monde). La Iiaye, Djambatan, N.V., 1952. 256 pages.

Ferriday (A.) : A map book of Asia. 3e ed. Londres, Macmillan, 1959. 66 pages.

Hamzah bin Sendut : Atlas sekolah rendah Melayu (Atlas de la Malaisie et du monde). Amsterdam, Djambatan, s.d., 36 pages, 49 cartes. Ministry of Food and Agriculture : Indian agricul-lural atlas. New- Delhi, 1958. 59 pages.

Kyi (D. Thin), Maung (U Thein) : Burma and the world (Atlas pour les ecoles secondaires). Amsterdam, Djambatan, s.d., 104 pages, 17 cartes. Kyi (D. Thin), MaunG (U Thein) : Burma primary school atlas. Amsterdam, Djambatan, s.d., 40 pages, 45 cartes.

Lehmann (E.), Weisse (II.) : Historisch-geogra-phisches kartenwerk Indien. Leipzig, Vcr!ag Enzi-klopadie, 1958. 16 planches, index.

Ozford economic atlas for Pakistan. Londres, Oxford University Press, 1955, index.

Romein (J. E.) : Atlas nasional seluruh dunia untuk sekolah landjutan. Djarkarta-Bandong,



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